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need help with another screenshot

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6 năm trước

if someone could plz take a screenshot in cinematic mode of the plot i have saved under my personal location save id like that also sorry the wall fence around it is miss mashed had to quick fix after someone somehow griefed stuff on my plot but anyway its just too big for me to get some good screenshots and there is alot there so if you could plz take a screenshot or two from one or two angles and posted them on here id be glad cause i am rather proud also i really wish i could make rooms for players in game in like a hotel kind of thing anyways..good day

# 2



6 năm trước

I take some pics If i understand correctly, from what I can see, nobody griefted you. All the claims are yours. The messy blocks that you can see around your claims were thrown by creatures like Trolls. There are two options: claim around so creatures don't mess around. Or you can left some space gap around your claims edge. It can works too.

# 3



6 năm trước

You want to 'reserve' claims around so nobody grief you. Oh, I'm sorry. Now I read it better xD My eyes are tired after a lonnng day ^u^

# 4



6 năm trước

the big bamboo thing i was gonna make one big giant hotel thing

# 5



6 năm trước

Thanks for being helpful Fierro! And it's nice to look through these screenshots :) I'm a bit silent due to being in full crunch mode on Angeldust v2.22 right now.

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