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6 năm trước

I recently showed a bunch of friends “Angeldust” and immediately once they saw it they said it’s a rip off of minecraft. Mostly because the blocks and the toolbar. So the thought came to me: what if Angeldust changed up the toolbar a bit so that way people don’t immediately think it’s a Minecraft rip off. I really don’t care about it’s Minecraft look because I like the game how it is. But if you want the Angeldust community to grow I would make it look less Minecrafty -France

# 2



6 năm trước

Both are games based on Voxel Engines but both games are way different IMO. Even, MC wasn't the first voxel game, but it was a huge hit indeed. And it was the first (sometimes only) game of many people. I'm not a player of MC. But the visuals, players, creatures, game mechanics, are very different in AD. There are many other games who share some of the same elements, but they are very different as well. For instance Creativerse. I think that any game deserves some little time at least to get a real sense of it. And there are many players who install a game, they play 2 minutes and go out. And that it's a problem. So, I think that any changes that give a good early preview to new gamers is a must. I feel that many new players feelds lost and bored at first. And that it's very sad, because there's a great game behind. But if you don't won the player in the first minutes... you lost them. I think the toolbar can be improved, but I am not sure that it's so important. I will prefer other things first. Someone talked about a lobby (talking about battle-royale mode). Would be great a lobby with open-build area. A zone where ALL players must go for something. Maybe a zone where buildings were temporal so everybody can try anything in coop. Maybe with auto-cleaned timely. So, newbies could build with many other players just from the begining. If there were a unique lobby for all the players, the social relations can be sky-rocketed. I'm not a fan of quests*, but some very limited quests can works like a guide to new comers. (*even I'm a fan of Skyrim, Witcher and so on xD) So they can see in a few minutes what it's all about. That can help too. I'm a fan of Terraria, but Terraria is 2D. Someones says Terraria is MC 2D. It's not. But I would love to see some kind of smart-blocks to create triggers-and-wires and action-blocks, teleports, banners, etc. In Pixel-worlds you can make whole adventure and puzzle levels using that kind of stuff. That can turn engaging too. I'm a coder... so I really love that kind of things xD AD has a huge shared open world. With fantastic and beautiful views. I like so many things of this game. IMO, it only needs a tweak to make a big hit.

# 3



6 năm trước

@Both: thanks for sharing your thoughts. I'm tweaking the hotbar (as I call it) a bit for the next update, but it will always look like a hotbar no matter what. Things will always have elements in common with other things. It just depends on your level of abstraction.

# 4


Kamikaze Justice

6 năm trước

Since this is only opinion... When I checked out Minecraft it makes me cringe because of all the low quality 3D graphics and everything is so squarish. The characters look like Frankenstein's monster. Minecraft has a few years head start on Angeldust and it's graphics still look like they came off my Atari 800XL, or Amiga 2000, at best. If Minecraft was free, I still wouldn't play it, except to test it. I think, if FF would take away a restriction, like not making us walk everywhere, that alone would add to the game. Give a shorter cool down after we've ran for only 6 seconds and allow us to run for 10-15 seconds. After all.. we're heroes, so we should have more than 6 seconds of stamina ;) In Diablo, we had to walk everywhere. When Blizzard added "run" to Diablo II, an adequate game became a great game. Well... I'm ignoring the tons of extra weapons, armor, and skills that were also added to that game. Being able to run more often will give the game more energy.

# 5



6 năm trước

A horse mount allows you to sprint more often. The moa and bear are nerfed for speed, I believe. I've followed Firefly a bunch of times in the stream; I used to be able to get ahead using skywalk. He goes so fast on that brown mare that it's hard to keep up at times. That mare clearly outruns the skywalk.

# 6


Kamikaze Justice

6 năm trước

Thanks Gerberd, but if I liked the 3rd person view at all, I'd consider the regular use of a mount. I still think heroes should be able to run longer than 6 seconds without getting tired.

# 7


Kamikaze Justice

6 năm trước

Maybe someday, we could buy special running shoes at The Shop so we could run faster, run longer, and jump higher. Or, there can be 3 different pairs of shoes that can give one of those skills and we can choose what skill we want by wearing the proper pair.

# 8



6 năm trước

We can't even /dance or /sit (yet) ... and now you want /changeShoesToUsainBolt ?!?

# 9


Kamikaze Justice

6 năm trước

We have saddles... why not cowboy boots? and cowboy hats?

Bưu kiện 1–9 của 9