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6 năm trước

I really don’t know if this has been discussed at all, but what if In a lobby (a topic I already discussed) there were immortal characters that can’t die no matter what that gave you quests. For an example a witch could give you a quest to find an animal and kill it and return to her/ him (depending if it’s a wizard) and a knight can have you protect someone from monsters. Now this would most likely take a massive amount of time to implement, but would be an amazing addition to the game. It could also get new players started on making money in the game. While we are on the subject of gold you could also get paid from quests and maybe even buy better weapons there. Once again I don’t know if this topic has been discussed but I think it’d be a great addition to the game -friendly neighborhood France

# 2


Worker Gerberd

6 năm trước

I think it would be cool if there were a King and a queen. The Queen would tour wonders or walk the Striped road (161 now). The King could lead a hunt. I don't know what you get for following them. Maybe flags or special blocks. If they die you should lose some gold and maybe the NPC needs to restart. The King could lead the 'play together'. He would keep moving and you'd need to follow him and keep him alive. If this were put it, instead of running out; the 'play together' bonus could increase the longer a player actively followed the King. Perhaps there could be a Crazy King and a Crazy Queen too. The Crazy Queen still tours wonders or walks the road but monsters hound her constantly. The Crazy King is the same way, he goes to hunt in the wilderness and groups of monsters come all over the place. I mean, can you imagine the crazy queen in Doddy's arena or in the town first and then teleporting directly into the arena? It would be an event. We could somehow know when it was going to happen and it would be an absolute bedlam. Could you imagine the payouts? It could increase depending upon how many people are around; more people is more money. The more time you spend in there is more money. It was awesome when I got the red skull door. I think special blocks and flags for rewards is awesome. We have talked about things like this; Frank said it were possible. He said he had NPC's on his test server for load testing; he made them walk inland and attack monsters. He said they do better than some of the new players and all he would have to do is import them. I guess he didn't want to just ram them all in. He's decided to implement a player vs. player; and he described an arena sort of area where multiple players go in and cooperatively compete against monsters which get progressively harder. We will see which group of players can survive the longest because he said he will keep track of that. He says this is coming in the next major update. Who knows? Maybe a few NPC's are next after this. On another note but sorta regarding the same thing; Frank, following you on the stream is so much fun. I don't know how I kept you alive at the end of the last one. I was angry, I couldn't support you. I wanted to tell you to get out of there, but if I stopped shooting health and then the red wand to type it would have been over for you. I don't know how you stayed alive. If you watch it you're at no health at all for 10 seconds with I don't know what surrounding you. I started missing you with my life wand. It was terrible; the entire time I thought you were done. I heard you too; 1:36:00 'Last battle it's midnight.' 'Oh heal me; heal me' he says. 'Right in time.' 'But don't heal the monsters too much.' 'You're doing a great job Gerberd.' I checked back and I see Humm was in it with you too. I swear I thought I was watching you both eat it. I really wasn't too worried about him but you were in trouble. I did everything I could to stop it, I did and it was epic. I just watched it and the video doesn't do justice to what actually happened. My seat here was real hot. Humm was fighting and I was healing and you had a fighter. Those tripods. You could stick in an NPC at some point who mindlessly runs into the mobs. I'd try to save it too. You could have like one of these NPC's come out on a timer or something. And it wouldn't be the same as you on the stream, but I don't know. Sorry about the wall of text.

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