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Why aren't we talking about the update?

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6 năm trước

First things first. The block search function is great. I could never easily find the door blocks. I'd scroll too far down and then too far up. It would be cool if someday we would cycle the list in reverse. Searching by color is something that I didn't know I wanted. The way the capital or paver blocks interact with the door blocks to make windows is awesome. We've already discussed this in another thread so I can't make a full paragraph. The other noticeable change is how the pillars interact when they have a plant on top of them. I think this cod be expanded upon. I put a plant atop a poison barrel. It would be neat if in the future we get a block that looks like the poison barrel but with water in it. I noticed that when I do this with the pillar blocks and plants, it makes the pillar look like a cup. It would be cool to be able to make this happen without the plant. I wonder if I could shrink down a tree stump small enough so that it isn't noticeable or so that it looks like a drinking straw. Perhaps we should have pillar blocks with a handle coming out one side. Then if you put a small almost invisible plant on it, it would look like a beer Stine. Perhaps if there were pillars that had a slight narrow bottom and a slightly wider top; with a small small plant in it, it would expand the top further and would look like a wine glass or a goblet. I don't know how long it took to backup the world, but last week I had to turn down the draw distance and the detail level. I turned it back up yesterday and had no lag issues. You must have been creating a backup or running something last week. Anyway, my settings are back where they should be.

# 2



6 năm trước

We're probably not talking about it since I've yet to write up the release notes on Steam. I rolled the update out quietly before the stream and I hope everyone just enjoys it in silence. You can reverse the filter order on desktop platforms by holding shift while clicking the mouse or pressing E/F. The usable draw distance / game client performance is completely unaffected by server activity. Maybe your computer was doing something in the background? Ideas for making the blocks more versatile (while not special-casing them too much) are always appreciated!

# 3



6 năm trước

I think you showed off the pole, plant thing with the bamboo pole on the stream. Anyway that looks like a cup too because it's hollow inside, it looks empty. The only reason I point this out is because someone was talking about cups earlier. I still need to check out some of the other pillar types. Its certainly good.

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