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Road event # 3

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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6 năm trước

We've been talking about another road event for this weekend. I can be there 17:00 Utc on Sunday. I was trying to get Humm to run one on Saturday, so we could have the whole weekend going. Regardless, I'll see you on Sunday. Friend request myself and 'worker Gerberd' if you want, you can make a 'road' account so that we cab claim land and allow everyone to build.

# 2


Some horse

6 năm trước

Sry but i wont help you make road. 1st i gonna do some things at weekend (i broke leg and i will go to doc((() 2nd i use all my time in angeldust on building my project "T H E P L A N E"

# 3



6 năm trước

I'm looking forward to seeing it sometime, soon I hope. I worked 11 hours today at my job. Saturday it won't be as long. I'm not doing anything on Sunday except for getting the end of that road away from my volcano.

# 4



6 năm trước

OK on Saturday, May 5th (Hey, it's Cinco de Mayo... PARTY!!!) at 1700 UTC I'll be hosting another "build the striped road event" Bring your alt and accept friend requests from everyone and help expand the striped road. If you're new to this whole striped road thing, it's a project "space is green" started at the "origin of housing" and headed west using a specific pattern of tiles. The road now spans more than 160 levels ... at 4 claims per level and traveling 6.39 claims per minute, it would take you > 100 minutes to walk/sprint the full current road. We want to build the the road to Level 512 (and beyond) ... that would make the road about a 5 hour walk! We'll need Builders (to clear trees), Sorcesses and Fighters to kill the various creatures that spawn ... and Scouts to kill the nimbosses ... so come on out on any hero you feel like playing and join the fun! You'll meet new people, contribute to an epic project, and learn new things about AD. We'll meet at Firefly's house... and if you bring a brand new alt (with zero money), we can do a quick TP to my 5 biome save for cash-o-lala. Gerberd will be continuing the event on Sunday.

# 5



6 năm trước

It's always been that you can claim whatever you want especially along either side. Just keep the road straight and Clean. Road started off 4 wide, now it's six and that's because of Fierro. Continue with 6 wide. Lights are cool. Last time we did this it took me 3 weeks back building lights. Not that I mind, in fact I was glad for permissions to do it.

# 6



6 năm trước

No griefing please.

# 7



6 năm trước

I'll see if I can hop in for a moment, but my weekend's filled to the brim. And this week I'm on the road mostly, so it's tough!

# 8



6 năm trước

I will try to be there! I will prepare my hammer :)

# 9



6 năm trước

Thanks guys.

# 10


Some horse

6 năm trước

Yesterday i made all things i needed to make on weekend, so , i think i'll be on road event but here's a lil' trouble... 17:00 UTC=? GTC. Idk what time it going to be...

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 40

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