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Angledust invades real life.

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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6 năm trước

I went to work on the morning. I got my bosses truck and was driving it to the shop for him. It's a fairly rural area. There is a cow pasture on the right side of the road with a wire fence around it. The fence post on the corner had apparently become weak. The owner of the cows apparently decided to repair this by placing 2 posts against the one at an angle and securing them to the top of it, the other end being on the ground. It's an old looking fence and has vegetation growing on it. This post had some crap on the top of it and now it has 3 legs. I thought it was a tripod. It took all of my attention for a half second. I know I was getting close enough to activate it. I thought 'what are you going to do, shoot your red wand at it? Lol. Then I thought 'yeah and skywalk'. What I did is sigh, shake my head and drive the truck to the shop. This has only ever happened to me with one other video game and with a book. Tricked me for a second IRL. Thought I'd share.

# 2



6 năm trước

Happens time to time with some games to me as well. I bet it means you really like AD :)

# 3


Kamikaze Justice

6 năm trước

Year ago, after playing Space Invaders for a few hours on my Atari 2600, it was time to go to bed. All I saw when I closed my eyes were Space Invaders going back and forth w/ all the sounds. It was driving me crazy until I finally fell asleep.

# 4


Kamikaze Justice

6 năm trước

I wish there was a way to edit my typos.. Anyway... I meant to type "Years ago, after playing..."

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