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dungeons and tools

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7 năm trước

the game was good but its missing something... dungeons and tools maybe you should add them on the next update otherwise alot of people will probably get bored with just killing mobs overall good game i enjoyed it :D

# 2



7 năm trước

Uhm. You are only level 4. You have discovered 3 areas. I think you'll find there's a bit (understatement) more content than that in the game :)

# 3



7 năm trước

I've thought a bit and I realized that the issue with dungeons and tunnels are hidden beneath the earth. Grand tunnels cannot be seen from the surface save for a little door which the creator of the door might walk past without seeing. There likely are many tunnels and dungeons that have been player created and you've not found them.

# 4


Mercy Parker

7 năm trước

Along with Gerberd, There are. Literally in one of the town's that I'm a apart of, right next to a house I built was what looked to be a raised pile of grass, and I passed that same pile SO many times during building. Come to find out, there was a green marble tile, surrounded by the grass, that was barely visible that completed the rest of a long ladder leading to a tunnel system that was constructed so beautifully. In one part there was even an apartment hidden. :)

# 5



7 năm trước

The old town near firefly's house had a golden plate way behind the mcdonalds had a secret tunnel but someone claimed it and block it so i teleported on top of it and find holes to continue the journey

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