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wood cutting idea

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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6 năm trước

i had an idea on lumbering where every time you chop at a tree you have discovered you get 15 gold it gives more reason to far m trees it would take forever to get anywhere but it would still be a way to get gold and add a fun little thing to do and it would be balanced cause most things in game range from 500 to 8 thousand in the shop so i think it would make things a bit interesting .

# 2



6 năm trước

I vote no. Trees are a precious resource. It's bad enough that mammoths destroy them in unclaimed lands. It would be sad to have my sacred Savannah turned into the treeless Floating Sands wasteland. I would vote "yes" on "all characters get health from coins" though. (just so you don't think I'm a nay-sayer on changes.)

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