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Gerberd I'm SOOO Sorry

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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6 năm trước

I need to publicly apologize to Gerberd. I TOTALLY messed up. We just found a Fluffy (the new Legendary Pink bear) and I rode it :( .. by mistake .. and of all things on my stupid road alt ... who wasn't even supposed to have a saddle (but bought when when I lagged) I feel SO bad! ... stupid, stupid, stupid. I'm so sorry. Hummm

# 2



6 năm trước

I know what it's like Hummm. I've been in clans and I know what it's like. I know that it's better to watch someone else mess up than to do it yourself. A bird was attacking you. I couldn't position the bottle in the tree to help heal. I didn't want to leave to get the Sorceress. Say Frank; don't tell us, but how rare is a pink bear? Perhaps there should be a notification, 'Do you want to mount this creature?' or you need to press 'e' two or three times within 5 seconds to mount a new creature. So you cannot do it by mistake. Also perhaps maybe players shouldn't be allowed to mount creatures when other players are around. Remember those blue horses during that one stream? Gerberd's Builder has the Purple moa. It's a lucky thing it was during a stream because I had it with me and I almost never do. Some players were fighting a normal gray bear. I got off the moa to try to help them. I intended to press '4' which is his hammer, because it's just a gray bear. I pressed 'E' and I sat on it. Luckily the purple moa was standing right there and it attacked me. I got off the bear and the game allowed me to get back on the moa. Had it not been there, it would have been lost the second I mistakenly sat on the bear. Frank, apparently we're sitting on mounts that we don't want to. I almost lost a mount and Hummm is upset because we wanted to kill the bear. Seems as if it's an issue that has come up. Don't be upset Hummm. You had found the bear anyway; I never would have seen it. You do so much. We play so much together that things are going to happen.

# 3



6 năm trước

It's hard to give a good estimate of rareness of these creatures, but they are rarer than normal legendaries. As for unintentionally mounting them: with great power comes great responsibility! :) Unless more wacky mount-reports roll in I think we're fine.

# 4



6 năm trước

To quote someone famous: "You'll never find it... and if you do find it, you'll never kill it" ... for the record, we intended to kill it.

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