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DNS / connection issues

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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6 năm trước

Is it just me or are other people having DNS-lookup and connection issues? Today I've had problems opening the website on multiple occasions and it's not my Internet connection or the Angeldust server.

# 2



6 năm trước

I haven't had any connectivity issues recently

# 3



6 năm trước

My problem was with my isp. I emailed support instead of making a thread. It was confusing and diagnostic checks on the PC after hard resetting the modem said that it couldn't communicate with the DSN. However other devices connected to the same DSN worked properly. I did a full system restore. No dice. The pc/ isp issue resolved itself today. Something strange was going on when I sent that support email. I'm in North America and today it's happening to you... Hummm says it's fine so it must be. I was terribly confused last night and I think it was the fault of the internet service provider. It was strange because this phone, a Kindle fire and a smart TV could connect to it but the PC could not. It was strange I'm glad it's working here now.

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