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visual example of improving the shadows

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Alexi M

6 năm trước

recently (regarding the moment of creating this post), I talked about a way to improve the quality of shadows by dividing textures into segments. I quickly designed the visual work of the algorithm. In general, I will not write much, I will simply say that for the most part everything will be understood only by Firefly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. --------------------------------- And if possible, I would like to ask that a ray tracing be added to the game for realism (OK, I know, I did not joke a bit, it will not be possible for a long time for many reasons).

# 2



6 năm trước

Something like that is entirely possible; subdividing the world geometry is fairly easy (famous last words) and shadows are already raytraced so it seems entirely doable. I'm considering making the game open source at a later time so you might add this yourself in the future :)

# 3


Alexi M

6 năm trước

this will be an excellent solution for improving the game. Various user ideas can be added to the game. The truth is to add some credits to the game so that there are no problems with copyrights or something like this.

# 4



6 năm trước

Would be great news if you make it open source Firefly. I miss this "feature" the most.

# 5


Aoi Blue

6 năm trước

It would be nice if distance fog quality was improved (currently it chunk based and thus creates a sudden squared fog line with only slight smoothing with the lower fog in the closer chunks.) You may want to do away with conventional fog altogether and use a z-based blur algorithm (e.g. depth of field) This would heavily rely on Z-buffers to get any efficiency, which would make some stepping effect, but not the chunk lined one. Another function is to adjust terrain render LOD to operate on anticipated detail change by LOD increase. That way flatter surfaces stay at a lower LOD longer, but detailed surfaces increase rapidly providing better cost-benefit. An additional scaling system could be added using total triangle budget combined with this to create an easy quality slider knob reflective of hardware requirement. I am not sure of the cost-payoff ratio for real-time adjustment of total triangle budget based on performance impact to know if it would be worth it.

# 6



6 năm trước

Great to see you here again Aoi! And with a lot of technical talk as usual. The visuals of Angeldust can majorly be improved if I'd move off of OpenGL(ES) 1 and went with a more modern graphics stack, but that's not my focus for now. With the plan of open-sourcing it in the future, I hope others will join in polishing visuals. Right now I'm really happy with the look and feel of the game, even though I often dream of having real-time per-pixel lighting and shading.

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