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Anyone Else Getting Huge Lag?

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Kamikaze Justice

6 năm trước

I'm wondering if anyone else is getting a lot a lag in the game? At the moment, the game is practically unplayable for me. The game lags a lot when I'm fighting creatures, which there are more than usual, and then I have trouble picking up the gold because of the lag. The "yellow bars" are constantly appearing. I've lowered just about everything in the "Options" so less chance of lag, and to no avail. The problem might be high internet traffic in my neighborhood. I've had a little lag, sometimes, but never had this much lag. When my player turns to look around, the screen is jerky, or misses frames. It's been like this for the last 24 hours for me. I restarted my computer, and that helped initially, until I fought some creatures, or moved around quickly. My router and wi-fi seems to be alright... my wife is doing alright on the internet (she's watching streaming YouTube videos). My MacBook Pro seems to be alright... I tested "Quake 4" and it played alright. Thanks for reading...

# 2



6 năm trước

I've been having bad lag issues with my tablet using Bluetooth controller but that is a know issue with my tablet Bluetooth interfering with WiFi header really played much today with my hard wired Android tv box with usb controller

# 3


Kamikaze Justice

6 năm trước

I had some lag issues using a cordless mouse in the past, but when I bought a corded Logitech G403 mouse, that issue went away.

# 4



6 năm trước

KJ! you're Back!! woohoo! ... I have not had any serious lag issues to speak of. What else is running on your machine? I've had bad lag issue from: 1) disk almost full 2) memory gone (Chrome gets to be a hog some times) ... I eventually turned off SWAP, which means when I consume all of RAM, things STOP, rather than SLOW 3) network back up

# 5



6 năm trước

BTW, I'm playing on roadsterX (where X is any character; almost) working on The Road.

# 6


Kamikaze Justice

6 năm trước

Hi, Hummm. Just can't stay away from this game very long when I get an itch to build. I have no other apps running while playing the game... I have lots of free space on my hard drive (655 GB free out of 1 TB)... I have 16 GB of RAM... and 2.6 GHz/Intel Core i7 quad core processor... and a decent game card built-in: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M. I noticed, you guys are moving fast on the Striped Road, on the way to 512.

# 7



6 năm trước

Did you try a (network) speed test? perhaps your ISP is having issues... ya, at the current pace we should hit 512 this week... the 1/2 way point.

# 8


Kamikaze Justice

6 năm trước

No speed test... Right now... it's 34.3 Mbps download and 9.73 Mbps upload... so that's pretty fast... right now. I should have done the test earlier. The game was doing great just before I left it. I'm thinking that a lot of people must have been on the internet in my neighborhood when I was having the lagging problems. It's almost Midnight and my neighbors gotta go to work in the morning.

# 9


Kamikaze Justice

6 năm trước

BTW... thanks, for the suggestions Hummm and CaptainWINDOWShobos. Another thought of mine was... maybe Firefly was doing something with the game... testing, etc.

# 10



6 năm trước

Hey KJ! Just chiming in to say that I'm not doing anything out of the ordinary. The game should still be 100% the same as before. Something to note is that 'lag' can refer to two things. Originally it meant network lag as in delayed updates of the game state and sluggish feedback when performing actions. If that happens, it's probably your home network being oversaturated. Check for programs (or other network users) down- or uploading huge amounts of data. The second use of 'lag' nowadays means low frames per second, so stuttering display of the game. If that is the case, try stopping other programs on your device and lowering the detail level. Angeldust is still as optimized as before so I don't think there's any reason it would start to decrease in performance if you are still playing on the same device as before. Other than external factors, the server and game should be running as well or better than ever before.

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