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Updated tips for new players

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 12

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6 năm trước

[ I did not write this all of this by myself, the bulk of it is an edit of work done by space is green, Firefly, Fuut, and Aoi Blue. I edited and borrowed as needed to reflect changes that have happened since the original posts if I missed anyone I am sorry it was an over sight. I have edited to reflect change in claim cost and added mounts/saddle instructions] -Village When you start the game you begin next to your very own patch of land inside the village walls. Your ground has a golden border around it and this is where you can build your house. -Shovel With your shovel you can gather and remove blocks. Materials that you haven't unlocked previously will glow golden . When click your shovel on the material for the first time you will unlock it. This means it will be added to your inventory and you can now endlessly place them. That's right you only have to dig up one block to place thousands :). Pointing you shovel at a block might give the block a red border. This indicates you have already unlocked the material and you are free to remove it. Note: Outside the village wall you can only remove and place blocks on land that you have claimed or claimed land that a friend has granted you the rights t build on(more on claimed land later). Removing blocks placed by other players but this will not unlock them for you. -Inventory In game press Esc, Tab or I to open your inventory. Here'll find all the weapons, devices and materials you have unlocked. -Claimed land: In the shop for 1000 gold you can buy a 32x32 block area of land. After you buy it in the shop find the area you want and claim it using the Telecharger. once bought you can telecharge back to that location at any time. Outside of the village you may only build on land claimed by yourself or a friend that may grant you permission to build (this permission is found under a players name on the website friends list). While the game allows you to pick any unclaimed land please be kind and respectful to other players and try not to crowd or interfere with the aesthetic of their builds. -Building You can select materials from your inventory and start building your own fantasy world. A violet border around a spot means you can place your block there. Inside the village walls you cannot build on other peoples patch of land. -Creatures There are many types of animals in the world of Angeldust. Defeating an individual of a species new to you will let you discover it. Undiscovered animals will have a golden border around their healthbar. -Coins Discovering new biomes, creatures and materials will all be rewarded with Coins. Defeated known creatures will also drop some Coins. Coins are also used to earn new player levels. -Player Level As you earn coins you fill up a bar found above the hotbar and health bars. When this bar fills completely you earn the next level healing you 100% and granting you a small amount of total health making you a little stronger. Once you are safe from attack you will receive a pop up announcing your new level. You can see a players level by looking next to their names in game. -Shop At the bottom right of your inventory menu (Esc, Tab or I) there's a link to the Shop. Here you can trade in your hard earned Coins for new blocks, devices, weapons, land claims, or to increase the height of your home. -Friends Your adventures in Angeldust are much enhanced in the company on friends. To make friends look at the top of the website and open the Players tab. Find the player you want as a friend and click on his/her name. You can now send a friend request. Together you will be able to build bigger structures and defeat more dangerous monsters. Friends can teleport to each others location in game and to each others world saves. A friend may grant you permission to build on their claimed land (this permission is found under a players name on the website friends list). Before a new friend will show up you need to restart the game so your telecharger can update the same goes on new building permissions. -Telecharger One of the tools in your inventory is the Telecharger. This device with its two antennas can store your location or "telecharge" you to your home or a previously stored location. You can store a "personal location" only you can telecharge to and a "world location" to which you and your friends can telecharge. You can also telecharge to world locations shared by your friends. - Heroes When logged in on the website, you can press Builder, Scout, Fighter and Sorceress at the right side of your screen. Here you can buy new colors for your hero's look. - Blocks You can buy blocks through the in-game shop, but also on the website by navigating to 'blocks', also at the right side of your screen. -Saddle up! To ride horses (and potentially other creatures), you'll need the brand new saddle item from the shop. It's expensive, but it's the best way to show off your riches and status to fellow players. You'll quickly notice that the saddle doesn't automatically get assigned to the item hotbar at the bottom of the screen. That's because it's bound to shortcut keys on all platforms, making it easy to mount and dismount: The E-key on a keyboard The top action button (Y) on a game controller The 'saddle' button on a touch screen Once you've mounted your creature, you can move around a bit quicker than on foot. You'll also heal gradually. But most of all, you will look cooler than ever before. Your mount will never run around and desert you. It's tied to your hero no matter what happens. Nobody can steal it or run away with it. You'll spawn with your most recent creature once you sign in to the game. Note that each of your four heroes has a distinct mount. If your mount is nearby you can call it to you using the FLOURISH action. - Hotbar If you want to replace a block or item in the hotbar (the bar with items at the bottom of your screen), go to your inventory, press the number of the item in your hotbar you want to replace, and select the material or item from your inventory you want to replace it with. Player etiquette : Some groups of players have set up additional villages with claimed land in various areas. Generally you should ask before claiming land near them as well as design your buildings to fit in to a degree. (Some people might not appreciate you building a giant wall around their building, building a tacky modern art voxel statue in the middle of a traditional designed town, or blocking a planned gateway/road. Many players have spent hours and hours of their time to make beautiful buildings in this game please do your best to show these works of art and the artists the respect that they deserve.

# 2



6 năm trước


# 3



6 năm trước

Type your message here.

# 4



6 năm trước

Shameless bump

# 5



6 năm trước

Type your message here.

# 6



6 năm trước

Wow didn't realize how much of this had changed stay tuned for an UPDATED UPDATE TO THE UPDATED TIPS FOR NEW PLAYERS

# 7



6 năm trước

*waiting... while munching popcorns*

# 8



6 năm trước

Still haven't gotten around to the UPDATED UPDATE TO THE UPDATED TIPS FOR NEW PLAYERS so I'm just bumping this one

# 9



6 năm trước

i hve not updated i dont know how to update bye

# 10



6 năm trước

*Still munching popcorns* xD

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 12

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