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Road builder 2

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Road builder 2

6 năm trước

Hi, all my dear friends i am Road builder 2. I come to tell all of you that jon me friend . Send resquet to me & i will join you . Click world of Road builder 2 there will road comes i want help to build road. I am sure that you accept this all terms. Bye, see you later.

# 2



6 năm trước

Road builder 2 .... not quite sure your intentions. If you want to work on the striped road, you need to send a Friend Request to the account "advertising" current end of the road in the "Striped Road Mega Thread" (currently roadster_) Then I'll grant you build permissions. It's a moving target, and KJ is a fast builder, so if you don't act quickly, you'll need to request (FR) the next account in chain. If you're starting your own road, I wish you all the best! (FR my road accounts will not be useful)

# 3


Road builder 2

6 năm trước

Ok i accept you terms , but first add to 1]Swaleha ] Road builder 3] Road builder 2 3] drogon killer

# 4



6 năm trước

Road Builder 2 has been granted ... how about YOU login to your accounts and send a FR to me ... then I can add permissions at the same time I accept the FR

# 5


Road builder 2

6 năm trước

ok but help me to also build road

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