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My Thoughts on this Game

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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5 năm trước

***First off I want to make it clear I'm not bashing this game (I find the game quite charming) but rather pointing out things that if were different might change or extend my experience. Starting with the first non in game feature: The forum. there is not organization on this forum once so ever. Simply a search and endless threads of randomness. In a early access game community organization is key. It makes it harder to find what you are looking for when the only category of threads is language. I see there are a lot of vet players that would probably be more than happy to moderate so that the dev doesn't have too but we need more forum Categories like News & Announcements Official =Angel Dust announcements General Discussion Content Creators Multiplayer General Support PC Bug Reports Suggestions Game Modification Off Topic Discussion Questions Images and Videos I found it really hard to get support on this game without directly messaging anyone due to the forum being so crazy. I hope this gets fixed sooner then later. A example of something I tried to find was how to change your characters color which I did eventually find though I then ended wasted money because I didn't realize you have to rebuy color changes. Secondly I know there's a update coming along that will probably add a lot of future content. I found when building a house in town that some furniture were missing. Beds,stoves, potted plants, possible a placeable fire?, maybe a cauldron, ladders (we have ropes I know). The door with the rounded tops seem to be missing a way to cover that empty space when placed block wise. < small thing. I love how the game has added a huge variety of colors of the same blocks so I will be satisfied with that aside from maybe some carpet colors of the green variety but that's just me. Kinda of small thing but I noticed how my forum photo is a pic of my house. Which is cool but I wish I had the ability to rotate the image so its showing the correct direction of the front of the house. I see most people have symmetrical buildings so it probably doesn't matter but mine is asymmetrical Lastly: I see people make some really awesome stuff. House wise, Personal wise. The town I build my house in is pretty lonely. I"m assuming people are in other towns, I didn't see a move to different town options. I've noticed people have to create multiple accounts to do things like make roads or other colossal projects. I really think we should have things like blueprints so we can save and restamp these creations to reduce hassle. I don't just mean 1, I mean having the ability to save lots of blueprints and even share them with the community. As for the multiple accounts things, I find it super messy and a alternative should be made. Possibly some kinda of submit and approve by dev/mod team to make changes for the entire community. Example submit a blueprint that adds a road on xy of map. Dev deam/mod team says yes or no. Bamm. Anyways hopefully someone reads this and skips over my bad typing skills. I hope to see you in game in the future!

# 2



5 năm trước

Welcome to AD! Be sure to join the upcoming Live stream this Saturday 1600 UTC Also, we invite you to the Discord server: Most of these sound like good ideas. (especially the forum) ... I'd also support > 64 claims per account (speaking as someone who's made > 50 accounts just to claim the striped road) The one gotcha that you may or may not realize is, that coding wise, there's only one developer. (an amazing feat for 1 person) Firefly (FF) rocks! Moving your house is some thing FF has talked about for a long time, but I don't think he's come up with a practical solution yet. On your house display: Now that you know which direction your house is "photographed" from ... rebuild it :( I'm guessing blueprints won't ever be part of this game ... but what do I know!

# 3



5 năm trước

Meh. I posted a huge reply and it got lost in the void somewhere. Here's a very quick recap: Subforums: these were here for years, but due to low volume of messages I merged them into one so active topics are more visible. Maybe I'll split it up again in the future if volume increases. Hero colors: I try to mention that at the start of each live stream. I don't know what 'rebuying' means(?) In-game tutorials and tips will be coming in the future, including hero color set up. Building: you can make potted plants using column blocks and tiny trees, see my house for a demo. Lava works for small fire (torches, fireplace). Blueprints will probably never come to the game, I want every block to be hand-made. Multi-accounts for claims: I feel the pain, no great solution yet. Come visit the live stream tomorrow to chat if you feel like it. Let me know you're Maarr :-) :

# 4



5 năm trước

I'm guessing the "spot on" comment got lost w/ the first version ;) .. I hate when that happens. My guess on the 'rebuying' has to do with hero colors, but he didn't realize they have many unique "body parts" ... it's just money, they'll come a point in the game were you have more money than there are things to buy.

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