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What is the Striped Road?

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space is green

5 năm trước

TL;DR: The Striped Road is the biggest completed Angeldust community project to date. Now that the Striped Road is completed, here's some backstory: In January 2017 space is green started the Striped Road Project The original idea was to create a path along which players could build their projects. Hereby creating a giant art gallery where people can display their own works and see the works of others. But as more and more players joined the project more and more focus was placed on the road itself instead of the builds it was meant to showcase :). People wanted to see just how long the road could get! Progress on the road was steady and peaked during multiple special "Striped Road Events" lead by Hummm. Rules were simple yet strict: Keep the road straight and stick to the pattern. In October 2018 the Striped Road reached its end. What's at the ending? I'm not going to spoil that here ;P. What I can tell you is where it starts. It begins at space is green's world location, just outside his house in the starting Village. The Striped Road is a monumental accomplishment and a product of the hard work and combined effort of many Angeldust players. Special thanks to Hummm, Hades, Kamikaze Justice and many many others. Is this really the end of the road? No! The original idea still stands. People are free to claim land along the road to build and display their own creations. There is plenty of room :P. This way players travelling down this epic road will get to encounter a great variety of builds.

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5 năm trước

Gerberd, Fierro, Tailsmancion, and our "Mysterious builder*" @ 512 deserve mention too! * some of us know who you are :)

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5 năm trước

For those that want to build along the road, and would like to "integrate" with the road, assuming it's a roadsterX or roadieX account (~80%). let me know in Discord and I'll get you build permissions.

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