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Holo Charger

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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5 năm trước

So I TOTALLY missed the intro of this on the live stream... wow!! that's amazing!!! Name Candidates: Holo Porter, Tele Porter But here are some feature requests for it... posting publicly so others chime in :) add drop down options on the porter: port to: claim number who can use: - anyone - friends only - friends w/ build - only these accounts (selected from friends list) it sounds like a lot of work, but that would really increase it's utility Obi pointed out on Discord, that we could setup hubs and chains of porters... SWEET!

# 2



5 năm trước

Like Hummm said, a whitelist kind of thing would be awesome to have(maybe even a blacklist?) Hubs, we could link some area accessable to the public(Firefly's house) with a community made hub that would connect all of the major builds, wonder or not, cool areas etc. layers would be able to hang out there, build nearby or do whatever they want...its the thing that people(I know) always wanted - a hub area where you could meet new people with ease. The holo scrolls also give a chance to create long text with info, since we have the chat log. These two new blocks will open up a whole new world, the possibilitys are endless.

# 3



5 năm trước

**Players would be able to habg out there, ...

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