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AD 2.23/2.24 update feedback

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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5 năm trước

Hallo Firefly It is some time since you released two shortly following new updates of Angeldust. I am busy with some projects and don't have much time to build so I didn't test all news yet. I also didn't read any release notes so I will probably discover more news later :) However I would like to give you some feedback about what I have experienced. New hedge blocks I am happy for any decorative blocks so I welcome this addition, I plan to use these block on one project so it will rise variability. Purple steel blocks Yes, of course, those will be more than useful. I like steel blocks, many colors and good variety of block types. Blue wood Nice one and thank you for it. If you think, there is not big variety of blocks you can use as ceiling (if you won't use a stone again as usually). Blue wood will have use. Spider web Haha, alredy placed some in my castle's underground but it will take some time to decorate back all places where it fits. That is perfect! Map That is good addition, helps keep direction and look for nice rocks :). I have heard that some say it is missing features. Well, you came for map application or build blocks? Coloured glass blocks Great about those blocks is that they pass the color to neighboring ones. Holo Scoll and Holo charger Haha, that was big hit. I wish to have time to play with it more... PLEASE can you add possibility to add 0 as holo charger destination to teleport to your home? Can you make full cube variants of those holo blocks? Alternative bar That is another great addition (+ bars remember settings, limited to client installation). There is only one small glitch: when I select position 5 on bar #0, switch to bar to bar #1, select any position there and switch back to #0, the posiion 5 on bar #0 is not highlighted. Bit confusing when I use mouse wheel to scroll positions. Thank you for all those updates. If it is possible, could you add more roof and stairs blocks to existing types? Combination of roof (pyramid shape) and stairs block allows you to create diagonal structures. However in a lot of cases there is roof or stairs variant missing for a block type - stone/metal/brick blocks have almost no roof blocks, most of pyramid blocks is missing variety on the other hand (lower block, pillar).

# 2



5 năm trước

Moniq, thanks so much for the feedback! Holo charger '0' for 'house'. Wow! Yeah, that sounds like a cool feature. It'll make the block more useful as you can always use it even if you don't have claims. I'll dive into the source code tomorrow to see if this is feasible. Block suggestions are always welcome. I won't add too much different ones so let me know your Christmas wish list.

# 3



5 năm trước

@Moniq see your PMs :)

# 4



5 năm trước

As long as you're making tweaks to the Holo charger ... I wouldn't mind a second parameter (the first being claim #) that lets you specify who can use it, the choices being: 1) everyone (as is now) 2) friends 3) friends w/ build perms 4) friends "checked" from your list (#4 is for over-achiever developers only, Can I get a witness!?!)

# 5



5 năm trước

oh ... and either -1 and -2 or N+1 and N+2 (I say N in hopes that one day N will be > 64) your World Save and Personal Save too, so non-friends could TP to your WS/PS

# 6



5 năm trước

@Hummm: '0 for house' would be possible since your house is a static location. 'World' and 'Personal' locations can change and are more difficult to implement. Maybe in the future, because it'll also need a more advanced UI. It's already hard to work with the claim numbers, and having to remember the total count and adding certain numbers on top of that doesn't sound user friendly.

# 7



5 năm trước

I would keep "Personal" as personal however... About wishlist: cinder/ruin stone pyramid blocks concrete pyramid block glass pyramid block steel pyramid block brick/paving tiles pyramid wood pyramid block complete current lights to have cube/lower/pilar/pyramid/stairs of each ... mostly complete current types _I am_ using ... if you ask me :) But who knows, maybe by that time i will learn to use some other blocks. I am not experienced enough in use of current variety.

# 8


Aoi Blue

5 năm trước

My biggest wishlist is cell shaded 3D. I know it would take some time to design shaders for it, though.

# 9



5 năm trước

Aoi Blue: I'd appreciate another visual style with a more stylized 3D look, but haven't found a good way to do it yet. It's something I can look into after Angeldust v3.0 is released.

# 10



5 năm trước

Chunky polygonal 3D visual style :P

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 22

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