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Striped Road build permissions

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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5 năm trước

I just went through all 52 "road" accounts and granted build permissions where missing: owner granted build perm to RoadEventLeader Plant RoadEventLeader Wendy Jones RoadEventLeader могучий лев roadie0 Samtarax roadie8 Samtarax roadie8 sara22 roadie8 WertuXAN roadster3 Tailsmancion roadster8 Crunchiii roadster8 KristofR16 roadstera turbofusss roadsterk setasorcerer please respond if you still need build permissions

# 2


space is green

5 năm trước

I was just wandering along the Striped Road and found this cool 2D art amde by Seris at lvl 65:

# 3



5 năm trước

Looking lovely! Thanks for the spot and screenshot space.

# 4


kegan felix

5 năm trước

can i get build permission

# 5


kegan felix

5 năm trước

would love to help

# 6



5 năm trước

@kegan felix: I'm not understanding what you're asking for. The Striped Road "proper" is complete. That being said, we welcome you to claim and create your own projects along the Striped Road to make it a more interesting place. The offer stands that if you do create your own additions along the Striped Road, and would like to integrate (make connections between your build and the road) I will grant you build permissions so that you may make the additions. The only thing YOU must do is initiate the Friend Request AND post here which account you sent the FR to. (there is a small caveat that I only own 80%, so there's a 20% chance I cannot grant you the permissions you seek. However, whomever does might be willing to grant you build permission, but even if they are, they need the same notification I do) ... So, make your claim, send the Friend Request, then post here. You're also welcome to invite others to help :)

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