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idea for a new monster

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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5 năm trước

hey Firefly why not add gryphons to the game and have them attack like the big cats? or make them a rideable mount you could draw it like you did the horse,troll,etc and you could make it be able to fly like how the flying wand does just for aslong as someone holds down a button

# 2



5 năm trước

I'm kinda in the middle of wrapping up Angeldust v3.0 right now, but good ideas are always welcome. A first step would be to look into flying mounts, but I'm not sure if/how I want to go there.

# 3


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

Apple has a pterodactyl game called Nanosaur 2. It's a free game. Might get an idea or two from it. It has great 3D graphics. It would be nice if our flying mount can fight with us, and if we can add attributes (i.e. speed, aggressiveness, defense, offense, more life, etc.), that would be even better. It would make our flying mounts unique from anyone else's flying mounts. If the flying mounts didn't fight with us, and is used only for transportation, maybe, we can opt to have a different creature (i.e. bear, dog, cat, bird, roamer, moa, etc.) that can fight by our side, and be given attributes. Also, it would be even cooler if the creature side-kick we choose will keep its' original wild attributes before adding attributes. So, at the end of the day, we'd be able to choose a riding mount, flying mount, or creature side-kick that can fight with us.

# 4



5 năm trước

Umm.. try to add Bosses for each biome so it would be fun! Also big bosses for each biome:) and the strong creatures in the biome are the boss (just 3 boss would be enough) with a boss in each biome.. it would be fun! We might have parties to gather up and destroy it! Also make it tough! At least 2 or 3 people need to destroy it plss add it;)) I'm an RPG player! And this fits the boss idea.

# 5



5 năm trước

Hi! My topic may be out of this topic.. because I can't find the topic I'm looking for.. So anyways let me least give some bone chilling and excitement ideas! So my ideas is this =Event= "Glory for angeldust!" There is this village we spawn right.. I don't the villages name but let's call it angeldust. So this event is about defending the walls, and protecting the houses but that's not all! All the NPC's or villagers from other biomes come to our village and hide in our houses. the villagers have limited numbers and they will give a rich loot to the player once they are protected inside the players house. But if one villagers dies the. A huge amount of loot is decreased and the monsters are able to break through doors and the highest building that a player has ever made, that is were the villagers will hide to the top we'll it depends on the player which is the safest part of the building and also make a black clouds on the sky and build a gate on the wall ya know. The gate that has no gate... Anyways make sure to add waves and make it rain and last: make this event happen on every 4 times a week so there will be no boredom the rest is up to you guys;) plss add this event;) this is what we've been expecting in the next update;) =and also Im sorry for being out of topic here.. hehe so sorry but I hope you add this event;) (been playing this game for 1 year)

# 6



5 năm trước

Hey ZeroViberz, thanks for the energy and ideas! These ideas won't make it into the next update (Angeldust v3.1) as I'm wrapping that up already. But I'll add them to my future to-do list!

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