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Preformence issues

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7 năm trước

I play on a Droid and since the last update the game has been crashing a lot and the screen keeps freezing. It has gotten to the point to where I can't play it for 2 min.

# 2



7 năm trước

Odd. Nothing major in the engine has changed. Can you try running with low detail and render distance for a while to see if that solves something? Are you maybe in a new area with large buildings? Can you try the basic game world for a while? Anyone else having these kinds of issues on Android? I've tested for hours and haven't run into any bugs on my devices.

# 3



7 năm trước

Firefly, есть один вопросик... Я переодически использую полёт и он иногда ведёт себя странно Я пытаюсь повернуть... А он просто взлетает вертикально вверх... Может я случайно нетуда нажимаю? Ах да, и ещё, как уменьшить zoom???

# 4



7 năm trước

I tested with a Moto G 3Gen (2015) 1GB RAM / 8 GB internal storage. It works great IMO. No performance problems so far.

# 5



7 năm trước

Я на минимум включил... Идёт как по маслу =)))

# 6


Aoi Blue

7 năm trước

I recommend trying to turn down the various detail settings. Particularly: Turn off High DPI mode: This renders at the full virtual pixel density of your phone, you likely won't miss it since you usually can't see that high detail. Turn on V-Sync: This set it to display each frame when the display of the screen on your device starts it's update pass, preventing "tearing" of frames and preventing more frames than update passes from being rendered. This prevents tearing, but introduces a very small (1/60th of a second on most devices) delay, which won't be noticed in this game. (Even on other, low latency competitive games such a shooters you usually won't notice it unless you are incredibly skilled.) These first two are the most likely to solve your problem with no noticeable change from your perception. Turn down detail level: This decrease various things, like the detail level of textures at a distance. It makes the game less pretty but it doesn't affect functionality. Try limiting you FOV: This makes your view a little bit less wide angle. It improves render performance by reducing the amount of area on the screen. Too low (much like too high) can affect your sense of perception in the game so chose the lower end of the range you like. 60 degrees is usually a good value, but you may prefer it around 75-80. Finally, if all else fails try turning down the view distance: The view distance is how far you can see the terrain and some other stationary objects. At the closest level you can't see much further than you can see enemies or other players. This can obviously negatively impact gameplay when searching for new areas, especially if you set it below the normal setting. I hope this helps, and good luck sorting out the issue.

# 7



7 năm trước

Skyline – please report back if lowering detail / view distance works out. Or if you can find some actions that lead to a crash. I want to make sure the game is rock solid and it's always been before.

# 8



7 năm trước

After lots of playtesting I was able to trigger a crashing/freezing bug on Android. I found the root cause. This bug will be fixed in the upcoming Angeldust v2.11 update.

# 9



7 năm trước

А что за ошибка?

# 10



7 năm trước

Under certain conditions, Angeldust would double close a UNIX file descriptor in Android. On some GPU drivers that caused screen freezes or crashing.

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