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Quest bug ?

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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5 năm trước

I don't know if it's a bug or intended but i could do the same quest twice. And is it possible to do the previous quests when you didn't do them ?

# 2



5 năm trước

A lot of players have been asking about quests and the exact implementation. I got some reports about being able to do two quests per day. I used all my brainpower to write the definitive guide on quests here. The trick is that you get assigned a new quest each day if you didn't finish that day's quest yet, BUT your completion status is only updated once you sign out of the game. If you have an old quest at sign-in time, it will count for the old day until you sign out. This opens a hole for completing two quests per day. Which is signing in, completing your old quest in one go, signing out and then getting assigned the quest for the actual, current day which you can then finish. If you don't complete your old quest during the first sign-in it'll get saved as current day and you won't get a 'second' quest anymore. It's really confusing to reason and write about, but hopefully the above makes sense somewhat. In general you can't catch up on quests except for the 'next day, one sign-in' chance to finish an old quest. An unrelated note is that the quest creature type is randomized each day and may stay the same between days. Third note: I explained on stream that the quest progress will be reset when the official Steam launch comes around. Your current quest count will remain visible and counts as the secondary rating in the leaderboard (more important than coins). In the future I might reset the quest count for important launches so that new players can also get a shot at being first on the board.

# 3



5 năm trước

I investigated some more. You can actually take as many sign-ins/sessions as you need to finish your old quest (if you have one). You'll get the new/current quest after you've finished it. Note that 'old quests' need to be completed with the new creature type to make things even more confusing.

# 4



5 năm trước

why now if I wear a new horse when I get out of the game. then entered again, the horse disappeared

# 5



5 năm trước

Well I understand now how it works, 2nd chances are nice. I think they should be removed...if you miss a quest, you miss it.

# 6



5 năm trước

I think having a bit of leeway is acceptable. It's all fun and games until one day your own Internet stops working :) One thing I didn't explain yet is that you only get your 'second chance' if you actually have an old quest. If you completed your quest and then don't sign in for a day, you will have permanently missed the quest for that day. So you'll at least need to have signed in once each day.

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