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Angeldust v3.0 release notes

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–7 của 7





5 năm trước

Here are the full Angeldust v3.0 release notes on Steam:

# 2



5 năm trước

Hi frank, thanks for notes. I watched the entire stream. I downloaded the stand alone version for windows as I watched on my phone. Everything works great and I don't have an issue, however I noticed something. Someone was saying something about mounts and you told them to make sure they close the app properly especially on mobile. I'd just downloaded the new version. On the character selection screen the sorceress showed up with all colors and the humming bear. I switched to the fighter and he appeared as a generic standard colored fighter with no mount. Same for the scout; I don't know about the builder because I checked the website real quick and all my characters appeared as how I'd left them with their mounts. I went back to the game and I entered the game as the fighter. Once I entered the game the character appeared as normal and the mount was there . I exited the game and then the colors and the mount appeared as it should on the character screen. Then I had to enter and exit as the scout in order for it to show up properly on the character selection screen. As I said, everything works fine once you enter the game as each character. It only happened because I'd downloaded the new stand alone version, which I had never done before. It's just that, upon download the characters don't appear on the selection screen with the colors or the mounts they should have except for possibly the sorceress or the last character you were in game with. It's far from a big issue, but I can see people panicking and messing you or creating a thread before investigating a bit. It's hardly a bug and you probably know about it; but, in case you didn't I was looking for a place to mention it because I'd noticed.

# 3



5 năm trước

Very nice, much apreciated :)

# 4



5 năm trước

Very nice, much apreciated :)

# 5



5 năm trước

@Gerberd: this was detailed when mounts first came out (not new to 3.0) you have to login, then logout (on each new device) before it will show mounts/pets.

# 6



5 năm trước

@Gerberd: this is the way it works for now. The game only communicates with the server once you sign in and only about the hero you're about to play, so it can not know the properties of the other heroes. Maybe you've been playing the sorceress a lot (or exclusively) so the other heroes appear as the defaults?

# 7



5 năm trước

Yeah, that's exactly what it does. This is a great update.

Bưu kiện 1–7 của 7