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New character Ideas:

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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5 năm trước

Hey guys, I know that has been around for quite some time, how sad it is to find some that you can not change the gender of the heroes. But maybe you do not have to. Maybe it would be better just to introduce new characters that could then serve as a counterpart to the others. This would also bring with it the opportunity to come up with some exciting, new and unique skills. Personally, I've already thought a few things: The longbowman, he has the same weapons as the crossbowwoman only in arched form. He shoots a bit slower than the crossbowman, but causes a bit more damage. He has no cape with which he can float but something else. The shoes of the hunter. If the player selects them, the longbowman squats and is uninteresting to monsters. Once the player uses another item, the Longbowman crouches again and is attacked by Monster again. He can not sprint or ride while squatting. The alchemist. He has no wand but something else. His potions. At the moment where he throws it, a small area with a radius of 3-5 blocks appears, in which its effect becomes effective. Among other things, he should, I think, have a healing, as well as poison and a damage potion. In addition, he could use a small dagger for close combat and maybe a portal spell. (Possibly also a potion of something like a wolf makes the monster attracts and fights) For the fact that the alchemist has so many different potions, he can use, except for the portal magic, each one only once. After that the alchemist needs a while to brew a new one. Of course, he needs two of the portal potion. With which he can open two goals at any point, which are open for more than 20 seconds and can be used by all players to escape or to make rapid progress. (In addition, it could be installed as soon as the alchemist can use the healing potion He can buy a healing potion for 10-20 gold coins every hour for all his characters, except that these potions only heal the character and do not create other or even a total healing surface.) The Valkyrie. She wears shield and spear differently than the swordsman. It does a little less damage, but it can attack from a distance. Moreover, their last weapon is not a sword that keeps the slime, but a glowing shield. When the player uses it, a small glowing area appears around the Valkyrie, making them immortalize all players in it for a short time. So they do not lose lives. But I still have to argue whether she should have a historic Anglo-Saxon or a Viking helmet with horns or a winged helmet. The tunnel graveswoman. Unlike the builder, she has no auto-fire system. She does not need them either. With her miners helmet, she rather lives out than he does. In addition, her pickaxe does more harm. Unfortunately, the tunnel digger also needs a little more time to hit. But every three times she hits the ground vigorously instead of the monster. That makes the whole earth tremble. So it makes a lot of damage to all the monsters around them. In addition, the candle on her helmet lights in the dark. She does not build a springboard but a ladder. This is not so high but it stays much longer. Also, she can not cure others, but she has a birdcage for it. If she lets the canary loose in it, he will just fly away and lure all the monsters away from the player on his way to freedom. In addition, the tunnel digger can mine four blocks at once. But I still have a few ideas: How about a Spartan with two swords. He is wearing a cape and is a gracious sprinter. He sprints almost twice as fast as the others, but only three-quarters of the time. First he hits from the left then from right and finally with both swords from above. He generally does twice as much damage as the Sword-Captain, but only half as much. But every third blow will do almost three times the damage of the swordsman. The Spartan also beats faster and jumps one block higher than the Swordsman for his light armor (a breastplate, sandals, a Spartan T-slot helmet, a cloak and antique tunic). He also has only the normal, the poisoned and the wrath blades to choose from. Since he is such a dreaded warrior, there is hardly a monster daring to attack him. If the Spartans attack a monster, the other monsters rush to help, of course. Or a pirate captain woman. It could throw up to two bombs almost like shells a few blocks away. Besides, she could also have a saber. And she could use a very slow-shooting but very dangerous pistol. And she could have a telescope with which the player looks at everything black outlined. But then all the life ads of the monsters appear in the circle. This way, all players can easily find the monsters. This character was not my idea! I was inspired by the idea of ​​a pirate hero. Only this female and the Spartan would definitely be male. Then there are lancers who can fight from the horse and from a very large distance. Female assassins who have two daggers and a Enterharken. In addition, they can make themselves unsafe for a short time for monsters, but still fight. An architect or an architect (men or women) who can build catapults, ballists and trunks, fling stones and spears. And she can build up to three small wooden ramparts and a wooden lookout. What do you mean any other ideas ?

# 2



5 năm trước

Sorry i mean the Assassins should have a grappling iron.

# 3


Alexi M

5 năm trước

hey, it seems you stole my pirate idea. :P

# 4



5 năm trước

Can we say that Zypher… pirated it? :D

# 5



5 năm trước


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