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Feedback on 3.0 update

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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5 năm trước

Hallo Firefly and all your servants :) I would like to give you short feedback on the last update. As usually I didn't try everything yet, also because of missions that will eat part of my AD time until I beat Obi and Hummm :P Well, lets start with missions: The fun depends a lot on current animal. Big ones are obviously easier than those like snakes. I suspect you that the mission animal spawns less frequently than others, however with time you will learn how to be more effective and last two missions took like 30 in total for me. A bit confusing is that 3D animals do look different than the 2D (which is also shown on mission scroll). That was most confusing for me at the very beginning. Thanks Obi for help. With time it is also getting bit boring. Will there be other animals than the basic ones in missions? Have you been thinking about something like when I complete a mission with gray cats, next time cats are choosen for the mission, for me it will be "higher" type (like orange). And next time it will be snow cat, while I have basic and orange cats already completed? New blocks: I am happy you have added some new shapes for current blocks, stairs for those stone blocks will make it much more useful (please add also coloured variants). Also all new pyramid shapes are most welcome. The lower block lantern was needed for a long time. It is a pity that bushes have only 3 sizes. The famous water barrel ("You know from TV" :P), when I "have it in hands" it looks like poison barrel with water, but when you build it, it actually looks like made out of wood. With new and new blocks it is also getting mess a bit. I know it is probably hard to select good names, but look... 5x Golden throne, 3x Black marble throne... sometimes those names are confusing and you must pay attention how it really looks. It is not new but with more and more blocks... Pets Well, this feature is not for me, I still wait you to go open source. And a lottery? Uh, better go build :) However, from what I have seen, good thing is your pet can help you fight. Worse thing is that the pet attacks on its own. Sometiems I do a small Zoo with lured animals or I just collect them to kill later. Pets of all visitors will tend to attack my animals and those weak can be killed. It takes time to lure some naimals and needs patience. I really wont any pet to kill it after. Mount is following I understand that for nomads like you it is great that the mount will not get lost somewhere. But in my case, I put my mount in stables but it will keep trying to get to me. And sometimes it fall in a trap or get stucked somewhere in my builds or (sometiems but the worst) bothers me and getting in the way when I am building. Is there a way how to make it stand on a spot? Release notes I never know what all is new. I understand that some features supposed to be surprise, however release notes on steam you link here... it is more like an advertising article than list of changes :) So I proably forgot something. Maybe next time :) btw: It is not me on that screenshot, that person's name is Uniq :)

# 2



5 năm trước

P.S.: Make roamers to be in missions more frequently. When it is the target I can be finally sure it will not spawn behind my back (as usually)! :)

# 3



5 năm trước

Thanks for the elaborate feedback Moniq (Uniq :D?), I appreciate it! Let me reflect a little bit on the points you raise. With the quests/missions I wanted players of all skill levels to be able to finish them together. That's why you currently only get a small bunch of widely found creatures. In the future I want to experiment with additional quest types and creatures. The 2D style in the user interface is to make the quest look like an actual, flat scroll or poster bill. You'll need to use your brains to finish the quest :D As for the blocks: coming up with and adding new ones is getting harder. Next update brings a very nice cloud/smoke block. The water barrel in hand definitely looks unpolished, I'll try to improve that one. And for the chairs/tables—I wanted to offer different designs, but coming up with distinct names is impossible. Should I go the IKEA route and name them Bjørnö, Malmö and Kvenønï? Pets: entering the lottery is pretty simple, once you have your ticket in for the day, you're good. And you only need to win once to get it. I can see that aggressive pets can cause trouble in your zoo (which would also happen in real life), but there is also one pet type that will not attack creatures. Mount following: as a traveling man I like this, but your use case is also understandable. Let's do some more market research here: anyone, feel free to post whether or not you like the mount following, or if I should drop it. As for the release notes: on one hand it's a bit of marketing to promote new features, but I can assure you that all changes are listed there with a pretty detailed explanation. Let me know how this could be better, but it already takes me days to get the screenshots and write the copy.

# 4



5 năm trước

@Moniq don't hold your breath ... :D @FF I was going to email you, but since the topic is here... I noticed my healing pet runs to the mob I've injured ... he won't heal him... but he's right there as if he wants to.

# 5



5 năm trước

oh I forgot ... on the mounts... I think I've mentioned this before... pretty much the first thing I do after login is dismount. Then I TP far far away... pretty much the last I see of him until I login again. I'm happy w/ this behavior.

# 6



5 năm trước

... let me fly while riding and he'll be welcome to join.

# 7



5 năm trước

Blocks: No, IKEA style is probably will not make it any better :). I don't know how to do it better, it is just strange when you see "White marble chair" and in fact the most of it is black and so. Maybe someone has any idea? Pets: Yes I know, I was litening to the stream. But I better spend my time building (or doing missions) than be semi-organized with others. When I am alone I can go AFK any moment I need or go somewhere else or start doing something else. When you are with someone else, you must care about needs of others. I have many builds around the planet and when I got bored with one I move somewhere else. When you are with someone, he might actually have fun and won't any change. I am more worried about aggresive pets of others than mine (in case I will have any one day). By the way, can I have 2 pets? While I would like to have a dog and a cat as I have IRL and I won't prefer one over another :) Mounts: Simple one command "stay" would help. You can integrate it into quick messages. Just a guess... btw I usually do what Hummm says, first unmount, then teleport far away :) Release notes Yes I can fully understand what you mean. You checking it again and again and here it is not perfect yet and here maybe to change it a bit, this sceenshot could be better... However, for me, I don't need you to advertise the game, I am already hooked, obviously :). I am just interrested in what exactly is new. Maybe because it is normal for me to read more technical docmentation and I work with such information daily. Part of my work is also software testing and application debug so I tend to look "behind the scene" to know context.

# 8



5 năm trước

As far as quests go, I'm fine with gray only mobs...I'm to lazy to hunt for green or orange ones. Chair and table naming: have the names corespond to the type of top and legs... for example a RED CLOTH top and DARK WOODEN PLANKS legs TABLE would be called red "cloth dark wooden table". So "Type_top + Type_leg + chair/throne/altar/other fancy name dapendent on the top type" Pets attacking: pets only attack if the player attacks, and the only go for the mobs the player had hit, so don't blame it on the pet...its just doing what the owner told it to do. Mount following: I vote for removing it: As far as I understand it, the mount is called every 20(ish) seconds as if you pressed F twice, so if you really dont want to lose the mount just call it after you kill a mob. Release notes: while they are bit "marketing" like you said, I can still understand everything and know whats new.

# 9



5 năm trước

would be called "red cloth dark wooden table".

# 10



5 năm trước

I think it would be nice if you could also order your mount to stay put/leave it behind. I have stables in my wonder to put mounts in but now that mount auto-follows you cant do that. I also leave my mount usually to my house but i think now with this auto-follow i could try to take it with me on my solo adventures (making them not so solo?)

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