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Angeldust Live! #242

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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5 năm trước

Most of you might have noticed I didn't stream today. I was enjoying a delicious barbecue. But I definitely missed you all <3, so I'm streaming tomorrow: Hope to see you there! I'll be showing another, newer development build of the game with visual improvements.

# 2



5 năm trước

So funny.

# 3



5 năm trước

Yeah, Firefly. Thanks for the stream today. It started out with you and Tails and I. I'm glad that other people showed up, but I was prepared to do it with just the 3 of us. The other thing I wanted to say is that I'm excited about the smoke blocks because I have a volcano which meets water at the bottom. I saw a picture today of some lava running into the water and there was tons of steam. I figure I'll put it coming out from where the fire meets the water instead of out of the top of the volcano. I can't wait to get out there and see what that looks like. Also Lucy's maze has also inspired me. I have an area where I was going to build a maze. I have this concept in my head and I realized that nobody would ever get through it. It would take me atleast a week to finish. I didn't want to spend a week making an impossible maze. However, now I see that I could put in those text blocks and they could give real hints or even spoilers if people became too frustrated. You and I would've never found that room. I ran everywhere and you went everywhere. I could tell you we're going where I had already gone. I was going to be mad if you suddenly found it because I was already down there and I didn't find it. Everything kept leading back to the begining. The best part of the stream is you saying; 'yes, the 5 minutes are up but I'm still looking.' I hope you figure out the technical difficulties with streaming and your extrs screen. I suppose we could talk about that here if you want. I'll tell you what I saw if it would help.

# 4



5 năm trước

Thanks Gerberd! I feel we got collectively trolled hard by Lucy- in the maze, but it was fun seeing everyone just run around. Having just a bit more of an idea what to look for would've been helpful, but at least we had fun. The smoke and cloud blocks are exactly what you need for spicing up your lava, I'm pretty sure they'll look great in your build! If all goes well you'll be able to use them as soon as next week. By then, I'll hopefully've also worked out my technical issues. At least I know the cause now so I can look for a way to fix it. Maybe it'll take two weeks, but it's good to have this figured out before the Steam launch.

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