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Unaccounted creature kills

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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5 năm trước

Over the past years some experienced players have reported rare incidences of creature kills not being properly accounted. Last night one such player found a very, very rare, legendary creature and got a group of people together via Discord. Once everyone was in the vicinity, the group killed the creature and everyone except for one player got the kill. For a regular creature that'd be a bummer, but missing out on this very rare occasion is rage-inducing. I previously thought it was architecturally impossible to fix this last remaining accounting problem, but I've managed to find a good fix. Angeldust v3.1 will fix the problem. What follows below are the technical details. The current v3.0 server pushes a 'creature killed' notification to all heroes near a killed creature. Sounds foolproof, but there are cases where a hero is being handed over between game world areas (chunks) and isn't publicly visible for a brief amount of time. As far as I know this is the only accounting problem in the codebase. It's a 'race condition' if you are familiar with multithreaded programming. The fix I've found does the following. Instead of pushing 'creature killed' notifications to heroes, I push them to the chunk the creature was in. Heroes (all of them) now query their surrounding chunks for 'creature killed' notifications. This way it's impossible to miss kills. And I've also increased the radius in which you participate in a creature kill. I'm planning on releasing Angeldust v3.1 next weekend so the fix will be out shortly. I hope that solves this issue once and for all.

# 2



5 năm trước

Now that Angeldust v3.1 is released, let me know if you run into unaccounted kills.

# 3



5 năm trước

I noticed an increased kill radius ... I like it.

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