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Mute the global chat

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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5 năm trước

Can you please add option to mute the global chat? If there is already such option, when can I find it?

# 2



5 năm trước

I expected 'friend chat' (the light yellow) to be a useful tool in certain circumstances but I experienced first-hand that people are just spamming their stuff all across the galaxy. I can live with that, but I can imagine it gets annoying for some. How about these two ideas (and everyone can chime in): 1. I add a (requested more than once) invisible mode so you can sign-in without appearing online. People can't spam/reach/telecharge to you, but you are in-game. For people who value their privacy at times. 2. Friend chat also triggers public chat. I want this change so that non-friends who are close to the sender still see their messages. This changes its dynamic a bit but is primarily meant for my stream so that beginners can also read the conversations we have (this bothered me yesterday). Let's hear all your thoughts.

# 3



5 năm trước

I like #1 ... although I noticed a direct chat (to one person) "succeeds" even if they are not online ... seems like if they're /anon you could deliver the message anyway ... which might mean you also need a /mute I don't like #2 ... a private direct chat needs to be just that .. between 2 people. and a friend chat needs to be just friends ... that does raise a Question... if A and B are friends and B and C are friends .. A sends to friends it goes to B ... when B replies to friends it goes to A and C ... C is only getting 1/2 the convo .. and if C replys A doesn't see it ... this is usually solved with groups/guilds.

# 4



5 năm trước

what about a chat where you can decide whos in there and people can go in and leave, but also you can kick someone out if he is annoying the members. but i think that could be a big chaos the invisible mode is a very good idea, but i you are in this mode and standing next to them do they see you? can you talk with them? can we change between invisible and normal mode in the game ?

# 5



5 năm trước

Well I understand why someone would want incognito mode, I wouldnt suggest having it tho...Moniq would use it 24/7 and I would never be able to visit her haha Just a mute friend chat button next to the buttons in the chat log hud would suffice: Having friend chat ON could be just the friend chat icon. OFF - have an X on the friend chat icon and maybe turn the icon all gray cuz its off. Option #2 is a no no, I agree with Hummm on this one. Friend chat should be friend exclusive.

# 6


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

Incognito Mode sounds good to me. There are a lot of irritating people... I know, I can be one, so I'm actually helping people by leaving them alone. I had to de-friend people for their anti-human behavior. I've learned, that some people have "friended" me, only later, to grief my claimed land. I'm just fine, being The Lone Ranger.

# 7



5 năm trước

Yeah, there are some people that behave "anti-humane", Ive had to defriend some annoying ones in the past, doing it on the website is fine, but doing in ingame would be convinient. :)

# 8



5 năm trước

I think we have to do the incognito mode because people will unfriend people to avoid their talking in the friend chat. This has already happened. I honestly didn't see that coming. I thought it would be great. I don't care if I only get to hear 1/2 or 1/3 of a conversation, but that's me personally. Clearly it bothers other people. I suppose mute buttons would work, but what if I want to build something complex in a sensitive location? I can't have 30 people showing up at the end of the road. Incognito gets two birds with one stone.

# 9



5 năm trước

True true, if youre working on a special location like the end of the road you dont want people there. YOuve made me change my mind. Incognito mode is a must!

# 10



5 năm trước

I'll go for incognito (invisible) mode then. Other than that you can also try to educate your friends on using friend chat in moderation. When you sign in incognito you are of course still visible in the game world. You're just not sending out the 'online' messages, you won't be listed online in the telecharger and people can't telecharge to you. You can send and receive private (1-on-1) chat messages. And obi, I understand that some players will be incognito almost 24/7, but I think that's their right. Even though Angeldust is an MMO by design, I can understand that some players would rather enjoy it on their own. If anyone can get Moniq's thoughts/blessing on the invisible/incognito solution, that would be nice so I know I'm solving the right problem here.

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 23

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