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Forum/website auto-logout

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Aoi Blue

7 năm trước

It seems the log-in timeout is way too fast for the forum and website. Is there a way this could be fixed, perhaps by allowing players to set it per-browser (utilizing cookies). This should include an auto-login option, and a login timeout adjustment option. The login timeout should be selectable from 5 minutes to 3 hours, or be set to "No expire" in which case it only logs out if you hit the sign out button. If you set auto-login this should be separate, and should log you back in when you start a new session on the browser no matter what.

# 2



7 năm trước

I'm not a fan of adding too many boxes, switches and levers, but I'll extend the session duration, thanks for the suggestion!

# 3


Aoi Blue

7 năm trước

If you just add a "stay logged in" option that would be useful. The other options would be nice, but are completely unnecessary. I understand why you would not want to bother with features few people would use, when they would simply confuse others.

# 4



7 năm trước

Alright, I think I upped the session duration quite a bit. Let me know if it's still too short.

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