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An Idea for the Mounts...

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

Maybe, those of us that use the mounts, including the dragon mounts, can allow other players to hitch a ride on our mounts, someday?

# 2



5 năm trước

Do you have time for a story? I do :D! When I was working on additional artwork for the drakeling mounts and couldn't yet get the saddle to look right in 2D, Rabotik suggested that players might hang from the drakeling instead of riding it. I think up to four players should be able to comfortably hang on to a drakeling :P

# 3



5 năm trước

That, that would be amazing!

# 4


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

I'm glad that it was already considered. Maybe, the owner of the Drakeling can have the driver's seat, on top of the Drakeling, and up to 4 can hitch a ride from lines? Reminds me of another game (that I won't mention), where 1 pilots the helicopter, 2 more rides inside the helicopter, and 1 more can hang from a line. Something else to consider... being able to fire weapons while hanging from the lines, without falling off. Thanks...

# 5



5 năm trước

ya, I wouldn't mind a hitchhiker

# 6



5 năm trước

Is this a building game or taxi simulator?

# 7



5 năm trước

btw: Do you realize that this way Hummm will be able to transport his alts you criticize without any need to actually move them? :P

# 8


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

Moniq, the three dimensional thinker...

# 9


Alexi M

5 năm trước

But, moniq, this is not only building game. Originally it's just classic MMORPG, just walk and kill creatures. Building is secondary task here.

# 10



5 năm trước

Exploring? Building? Alex's the guy with the gun. This whole troop transport isn't coming anytime soon, but the idea is admittedly pretty fun. Thanks for all the energy here everyone.

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