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ATTN: Musical notes

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–5 của 5





5 năm trước

Many players are creating music using the new photon blocks. Here's a quick overview on how to enter musical notes. There are 48 notes to choose from currently. These are divided into 4 octaves of 12 notes each. An octave starts at the 'C' note. Each octave contains different instruments: Octave 0: percussion Octave 1: double bass Octave 2: glockenspiel (music box) Octave 3: glockenspiel + tiny violin (viola) You can enter either a number (1…48) or a note (C0…B3) to set the note for your photon block. The following notes are available, in number / note notation: Octave 0: Percussion 1 / C0 — kick drum 2 / C#0 —high tom 3 / D0 — snare drum 4 / D#0 — rimshot 5 / E0 — clash cymbal 6 / F0 — cowbell 7 / F#0 — suspended cymbal 8 / G0 — tambourine 9 / G#0 — castanets 10 / A0 — woodblock 11 / A#0 — washboard 12 / B0 — triangle Octave 1: double bass 13 / C1 14 / C#1 15 / D1 16 / D#1 17 / E1 18 / F1 19 / F#1 20 / G1 21 / G#1 22 / A1 23 / A#1 24 / B1 Octave 2: glockenspiel 25 / C2 26 / C#2 27 / D 28 / D#2 29 / E2 30 / F2 31 / F#2 32 / G2 33 / G#2 34 / A2 35 / A#2 36 / B2 Octave 3: glockenspiel + viola 37 / C3 — glockenspiel 38 / C#3 — glockenspiel 39 / D3 — glockenspiel 40 / D#3 — glockenspiel 41 / E3 — glockenspiel 42 / F3 — viola 43 / F#3 — viola 44 / G3 — viola 45 / G#3 — viola 46 / A3 — viola 47 / A#3 — viola 48 / B3 — viola While entering a note for the photon block, you will hear a preview of the sound. And as an extra thing you can also use flat ('b') notation for notes, as in G# == Ab.

# 2


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

Thank you, FF. Very helpful.

# 3



5 năm trước

i was really blown off, by the notes...

# 4



5 năm trước

@ZeroViberz ... I'm pretty sure you meant "blown away" not "blown off" ... English slang is hard ;)

# 5



5 năm trước

1 minor tweak to FF's documentation (and he might change it based on this comment) Octave 2 is the default, so you can skip typing the 2 and, in fact, when you type the 2, no preview note is played, since it was just played by the previous thing you just typed (a-g,#b)

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