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Possible Additions/Improvements

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 15

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5 năm trước

Hello! I played this game for about two hours and I see some really great potential in it! To start off, the game feels clunky and the animal movements, and hitboxes, can be improved upon. I'm not going to comment too much about gameplay though, because it's obviously early access and that stuff is expected to be a bit buggy. As I make these suggestions, keep in mind that some of this might already be implemented/in the works; and I just wouldn't know because I'm new! Additions/Changes that I think would Significantly Improve Gameplay (and make it more fun!): 1) Quality of Life -I strongly believe that the entirety of the gameplay would be so much better if the game was in 3rd person, (like when you're on a mount), all of the time. More of the world is opened up, I can see my own character and ride, and it just seems to have smoother controls. If 1st person is loved by the current fanbase, I think a 3rd person option would still be very beneficial to a lot of the player base. -The game for sure needs a minimap! I feel like I'm constantly lost and I have no idea what is around me. The minimap doesn't even have to show that much area. The ariel view would just help orient the players more. Along with this, maybe as you explore the world you can find little checkpoints or tokens that will mark your map? I think this would also help get rid of the "Where am I? Everything looks the same..." feeling. 2) Customization! -I love dressing up my character as much as most people do, which is a lot! There are games online that are ONLY dedicated to collecting items and dressing up, and they've been around for years. Each class should have different items, (hats, gloves, boots, weapons, etc.), that you can put on your character to personalize it. I would suggest having everything between the classic armor to everyday outfits. You could also have limited time clothing to keep people coming back throughout different seasons! Also, of course, these items would have to be tradeable. Either for money, items, or maybe even rare mounts? c: -Customizable saddles and collars for mounts would also be a super fun addition! I know I personally would grind for hours if it meant getting a super cute saddle. 3) Questing -Right now, as I walk around the world, I have no clear objective in the game. I know I can find animals, find blocks, level up, and build a house. But why do I want to do those things? The game doesn't really give me a clear reason right off of the bat. For people who maybe don't enjoy building as much, give them quests to follow! Random traveler NPC's could be found out in the world that ask for help slaying a particular monster or finding items for them. These quests could reward the player with not only money and experience, but specialized clothing items/saddles as well! This would give players that aren't interested in building something else to strive for. Of course, all of this is just my idea for things that would make the game a lot more interesting. Let me know if you agree or disagree in responses. I'd love to hear what others have to say. Especially those of you who have been playing for much longer than I have!

# 2



5 năm trước

First off, if you really like the game and would like to connect with the community more, I invite you to the discord server: Almost all of your suggestions are already in the game! In some shape or form. 1) 3rd person: check your options menu. Minimap? press M or click the button left of your telecharger hud. Plus it glows yellow if you havent discovered something! 2) You can change colors of your heroes: right side of the screen on the website, click scout, builder, fighter or sorceress. Maybe its not as advanced as limited outifts or special stuff like that, but its a start. Rare mounts exist, you just wont find them in 2 hours :P Look at some of the top player profiles and you will see some examples. I would love to see customisable saddles tho, great idea! 3)Quests exist, every day you get a special mob to find and kill 10 times, at weekends its a harder mob. No NPCs yet, but quests are only 2 updates old after all.

# 3



5 năm trước

Chiming in real quickly to link the controls page listing the third person view, map and more:

# 4



5 năm trước

This game has great potential in it but the problem is right now it sucks.we need more content.there is 280 creatures yea but there are rly approximately 20 creatures and others are repainted ones.these creatures dont even have attacks on their own.only 4-7 of them has special their own attacks.also we have 4 classes and we cant even properly customize them.also we need better things to do.there is only 4 things you can do.building,hunting,using photon thingys and messing with games glitches(LOL).the biggest problem is we dont have original content.the monsters are just repainted random animals,biomes are same to except for 2-3 of them.firefly gets money from donations and youtube why he is not doing good things?i am really feeling like he is not a dev but a gold digger.

# 5



5 năm trước

I disagree. You obviously looking for other game type than me. For me animals or biomes are just a way to get blocks and where to build. Building is the main feature for me and I am not looking for any new animals or any other fancy crap I don't need to realize my imagination. I am not looking for PvP nor PvE, I am not looking for RPG (and by me it is false to call it RPG, it is a building game). The only thing I am looking for is AD goes libre software. I can clearly see it, even if there will be plenty of other content, there will be always someone who wants more. Want more content? Build something interesting! You really underestimate the potential of photon blocks, it brought another dimension to building but I am not sure most players realize this fact. And you probably forgot that you can still play the game completely _for free_ and it cost you just your time. Without in-game advertising!!! I will ignore the fact you call Firefly a thief because my reply would be even more rude than your post!

# 6



5 năm trước

@PerilousGlory "...and build a house. But why do I want to do those things? The game doesn't really give me a clear reason right off of the bat." If you expect that a game will help you get over lack of your creativity, you probably looking for a movie instead :P

# 7


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

My primary reason for playing A.D. is to build, and to try and create new ideas with the limited building materials we have. So, I'm hoping, FF will give us more building materials w/ more unique characteristics. What we have is a good start. For me, two things I'd like to see mostly... clear blue water that we can actually swim in, and to be able to run (and fly faster) longer than just a few seconds at a time, and to recover quicker. Getting around A.D. at a pedestrian pace is a killer. As one of the older players, I probably don't have so much time on my hands anymore, so I need the ability to move faster, so I can get things done in a timely manner. The kids might say,"this is boring" because it's slow... but us older folks might say,"I may not live long enough to finish these builds". As for FF being a "gold digger". If he is... so what? He created a very good game (and a potentially great game) and he is deserving of whatever donations are given to him. If you're jealous, then create your own game, and then you can be a "gold digger". I wished I had the talent, because I'd be doing the same thing. Maybe, nobody has created a player called,"Gold Digger", yet.

# 8



5 năm trước

Here, here, Kamikaze Justice, I agree with all of your suggestions, I consider myself an older player and I'm mainly here to build interesting new things and stretch the limits of my creative abilities. So moving faster and higher will greatly improve the game for us. Plus water to swim in would be excellent.

# 9



5 năm trước

Me too... I also agree everything Kamikaze Justice.

# 10



5 năm trước

I didnt meant he is a thief moniq.I meant it just geeks like it.This game has great potential it musnt be just a building game.if thats what you want I dont care about building I hate building (usualy).I just wanna help firefly to use this games full potential.I dont care if he will do or wont do.I am trying to help people not offending people but not using the great potential of this game makes you feel like devs arent doing anything. Annnd also kamikaze justice.I am not jealous there is nothing to being jealous about this but feeling other people are giving their money is a whole another story.I dont need money or anything like that just seeing other people getting thefteď or idk surfer etc hurts me thats one of the main reasons that I hate everything (not everything but everything about HUMANS I hate humans).I just want people to be happy.also I am not saying he is a thief I am just saying it makes me feel like it.I am trying to help you not offend you but if you take this as a bad thing I dont care I cant do anything about it.

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 15

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