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RFC: select your creatures

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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5 năm trước

At least one player that I know of semi-regularly loses their ridden creature by accidentally pressing 'E'. Feels bad, especially if you rode a rare creature. To solve this, how about I add the option of selecting a ridden (and tamed) creature from a list on the website? You'd be able to choose any creature you discovered, or just 'none'. This way you can more easily switch between creatures to match your mood and needs. One downside is that you might currently ride a creature that you didn't discover yet and you would lose it if you switched. Does this seem like a big problem? Also: I dislike that the emotional bond with your creature devalues. How do you all feel about this?

# 2



5 năm trước

Maybe it’s just better to reassign the button to another, more remote from the control keys? Personally, it would be more convenient for me .. The choice of found creatures seems to me too wrong .. Sorry for the bad English, I use Google translator ..

# 3



5 năm trước

I vote yes. Easy and convinient. Love it, saves time. I don't have any emotional bond with my mounts or pets in the first place, I only change it depending on my current outfit. This would mean I could change my outfit more often, without wasting time randomply walking in areas to find my wanted mount/pet. WOuld absolutely love this.

# 4



5 năm trước

It was me (again) that lost my pink horse... yes, I agree w/ Obi that FF's idea of selecting from a list of previously ridden creatures would be welcome, I can't imagine anyone disagreeing. It would be cool if others could see your list of rides you get to choose from... gotta catch em all!

# 5



5 năm trước

@Hummm: I'll be replying here in public so everyone can join in on the conversation. Like @obi says I'd love the flexibility this system would provide, but I just noticed a catch: you'll be able to duplicate creatures between your heroes. Right now it's prestigious to have legendaries or rarer on all your heroes since you actually had to find them. With the change you'd be able to copy any discovered creature around. And I know I can look at the 'kill count', but that would make things more complicated than I want. So now I've got two issues with it: devaluing emotional attachment and copying creatures. Also @ПсихокантроП has a point: Hummm actually asks for the mount mechanic to work differently. Having to select the saddle in the inventory to be able to mount a new creature. But I think that'd be very confusing for new players. I'm not a big fan of such an option. Another idea: adding a 'lock creature type' to the website so you can't mount or tame a different creature once in-game. But that's pretty stupid if you stumble upon a rare one. Keep the ideas coming!

# 6



5 năm trước

Oh, I'd expect the web site to only let you select from creatures your hero has actually ridden, which is significantly different then creatures discovered. You'd need to store a list per hero, not account.

# 7



5 năm trước

I don't see an issue with copying creatures over from hero to hero, I just want to easily choose the color I want. Plus you can always do something special for the 8 legendary mounts you can have, if a lot of people have an issue with that. Myself I don't care about legendary mounts and their rarity. I only want to easily access the colors from the other ~50 mounts. Another thing: If youre gonna do this for mounts, do it for pets aswell.

# 8



5 năm trước

I think that having a list of ridden creatures to choose from would be great! Only downside I might see is that if you use the list on the site (creatures discovered) then most won't show up (since you have to kill a creature for it to be discovered)

# 9



5 năm trước

@obi: I completely get the desire to instantly tweak your pet too and that was exactly what I envisioned, but if you consider this whole thread born out of problems with the saddle I think I'd have to admit that the pet snack actually doesn't have the same issue where you easily lose your pet. So I'm looking for more opinions on this: should pets be selectable too? @Shadowblitz and @Hummm: it's difficult to get this exactly right. If I base my list on a per-hero 'has ridden this creature' statistic it becomes completely non-obvious what creatures you have at your disposal. Going for the 'discovered' statistic means that you might lose future access to a creature that you are riding but didn't discover/kill yet. Should ridden creatures be discovered when starting to ride them too? But then, how about the pets? This takes away a lot of challenge.

# 10



5 năm trước

I suspected this to be your counter argument. I'm just saying it would be weird for one thing to be that way, and the other a different way. Possible solution: Make the saddle only be used for your mount, so you can't use it for other creatures. The only way to get a mount would be to buy the saddle and choose from the website.

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 22

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