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Coins System Pls

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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5 năm trước

This coin system is very annoying because when i farm in my real account with friends its very hard to share gold properly so this system is encouraging us to solo farm than farm in group but even in solo that's hard because u always have to get gold manually and that's very annoying in some situations, so do u plan to make something or this system is not going to change?

# 2



5 năm trước

Another problem when im in creatures section they tell me 258creatures discovered on 289 but when im in zone section then i dont see the 31 creatures undiscovered whats the matter?

# 3



5 năm trước

When hunting in a group friends, it's the Soceress's job (assuming only 1) to make sure the coins get divided semi-equally. This involves flying over the person to receive them, since the coins move to her. It will never be perfectly fair, but that's just the nature of group hunting. I don't hunt in groups very often, but I have done it. It's a lot of work and if anyone in the group is greedy or a complainer the group hunt won't last very long. I don't think FF plans to change this, it's been brought up many times before. On the live streams, you'll notice it's an all out greed grab fest, that being said, the big payout is in the mob level bonuses anyway. On you second post, it sounds like you're talking about the website (as opposed to in-game) ... an undiscovered creature (in either list) will never show it's name or colors... that's intentional. You have to go discover it in-game first.

# 4



5 năm trước

Oh, one other thing... Legendary creatures NEVER show in the Areas list, even after you discover them. I keep (personal) records of where I find Legendaries.

# 5



5 năm trước

K thanks then

# 6



5 năm trước

Hummm is right about legendary (and other rare) creatures not showing up in the separate game world areas. This is because they do not naturally spawn there, only when you have a good amount of perseverance. As for the coins system: when I hunted in groups we just used to rotate the player picking up the loot. So the first kill / battle is for player 1, then player 2, all the way to player N and then start again. Of course some coins will slip by left and right, but in the end everyone is statistically rewarded equally. Once you have groups of 20+ heroes like on the live stream, the creature level rewards are mostly higher than the loot anyway. But in all it got me thinking… I can potentially tie loot drops to players. Would it be better if I just let the game randomly assign loot drops to players and that others just can't pick it up at all? Then what if someone keeps stalking you or the player disconnects?

# 7



5 năm trước

Well what if one of the players didn't want the extra gold and was there only to help?

# 8



5 năm trước

Or a system that give gold according to the % damage by player on the creature For example player 1 made 25% of dmg and the player 2 made 75%, for a creature that give 50 gold sthe player 1 get 12,5 golds so 12golds and the other one get 37,5 golds or 37gold or just everyone get 50golds Or just add a system to form group with a leader that can kick or accept peoples in his group then when this group kill a creature that give 50 gold this is equaly shared so if they are 5 its 10 gold for each or just everyone get the 50gold even if that is op. I dont know but a system where eu get gold instantly because even if you farm solo sometimes when u have low connection or you just missclick somehting u click on your telecharger and u got elsewhere and lose all your gold! So hopefully u can change something.

# 9



5 năm trước

And the group system could be an anti-stalker because there could be an option that allow the group to be prioritary on a creature : what i mean is that if this group hit the first time a monster then it locks the monster and everyone that try to kill the monster but who is not in the group to get fast gold so basically a stalker can't get any gold because it is already locked. And about stalkers finally that not have to be a problem unless if playing together maybe, because this stalker cant stalk someone if h'es not friend with this person But this option is maybe too hard to set up and thats is not very important because stalkers as said are normally not a problem. The main problem is to get gold instantly

# 10



5 năm trước

Yes this system is annoying i agree an also it's a lost of time is there an option to change name in this game?

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