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4 năm trước

While I travel around my builds, it is a pity that I am not able to heal myself in my safe houses. What do you think about to add healing pad that heals you a little when you step on it? Also "hurt" pad that hurts you a little when you step on it would be nice or make the lava block so :)

# 2



4 năm trước

I have three non-solutions for the healing problem: 1.) Play as the builder and place a dispenser 2.) Play as the sorceress and use Life Dew 3.) Stay on your mount and slowly recover As for the damage block I'm not sure if it'd make things more fun. I contemplated making the lava do damage, but refrained from doing so as it's pretty frustrating to die in an unknown build if you fall down and your telecharger is still charging. I'll think about it some more.

# 3



4 năm trước

I think you should not do damage blocks. There will be an opportunity to make deadly traps and some players will take advantage of this .. Sorry for the bad English, I use Google translator ..

# 4



4 năm trước

Yes its correct the lava should not damage. This upside player is making a lava buildings.

# 5



4 năm trước

Not lava buildings but near his base all lava is there.

# 6



4 năm trước

@Firefly That is no solution at all. Builder is worst for hunting and Soceress has only those stupid wands to attack. And yes of course I would make a "deadly" trap. There is not much options to punish a player of a game than let him fall (which can be easily cheated with builder or sorceress) or to close something (which can be cheated by a glitch through a wall - btw, are you going to fix that?). While you talk about characters, don't you think sorceress is a bit overpowered? From my experience, the only disadvantage is the stupid wand that can't shoot directly. And even that wand works similar as green bow and you can hit animals by shooting on a nearby object. All coins go after you, you can fly, stop shooting of animals and heal yourself. Gaining coins is the fastest. Builder is totally useless for any real hunting. I never play fighter, because it is sort of builder with even more disdvantages. With scout, it is mostly pointless to hunt higher level mobs for coins. The green bow does not require you to be accurate, but is weak. On the other hand the red bow requires very good accuracy but its power is not that high to compensate the accuracy in real use, so I usually not use it at all. A single fight against a strong opponent might take 15-30 minutes, you never fight that long with sorceress. And you don't have to collect coins as sorceress, all will come. And will heal you. As Scout your only chance is to find a chest. I love when I come, sometimes a troublesome way, to a chest and it disappear right before I open it. Oh and how will be solved the situation about blocking claims? You refused every suggestion and the situation remains same. I would like to see a solution.

# 7



4 năm trước

Oh and btw, the worst that coul happen in a "deadly trap" is that you can lost up to 100 coins if you die. Only once. How long does it take to get it back? 5 minutes? Also I am not saying to make ablock that will instant kill you when you step on it. But stepping on such block should hurt you a little.

# 8



4 năm trước

I don't think about this deadly trap. I think which Ghost is following you for this trap. Hahahahaha

# 9


Kamikaze Justice

4 năm trước

At the risk of putting a curse on Moniq's excellent post, I agree 100%. If the lava isn't going to behave like lava, then it should be called something else... like Mango Punch. If people are afraid of dying when standing on lava, then don't stand on lava. The "heroes" aren't equally powered offensively and defensively. By far, the sorceress does have more going for it, and if it wasn't for the lousy looks and wand shooting, I'd probably use it. When hunting, it doesn't take anything at all, for a sorc to pop in and steal your gold with her telekinesis. A sorc might be nice and float into the air, but your gold is still running away from you. In the wrong hands, a sorc can easily become a pirate, and there's no way of fighting back. The Fighter is the only hero that must fight in close quarters, yet, he has the least healing ability. The life steal sword, the Fighter can buy, doesn't come close to keeping up with the damage he receives. I've made a ton of requests, which I believe would improve the game, and only a couple of minor concerns have been addressed, like the Red Marble blocks that were pink, are now, actually red. At the moment, I'm not seeing the benefit of the new photon/imitator gadgets, since they're only a tease of how much fun they can actually be. More than a couple of times, my name was specifically brought up, that I'm going to like the new additions, but I haven't seen them... like having a clear water block that we can actually swim in, or walk through, like through a waterfall... or, being able to sell claimed land back to the game, even for a part of its value. I just remembered, though... I requested a flying machine, and got a dragon... so that's a big plus for the game, imho. Building is much quicker and easier with the dragon. That addition actually got me back into the game. I've nearly quit a couple a times because of disenchantment, but made myself think, things will get better. Lately, I find myself getting that nasty thought in my head again... especially with the sale version on the horizon. There have been a couple of times, that if I had a nuke button, I'd nuke all my builds, pretend the game never existed, and move on to something else. I may not have donated thousand$, but I'm still a customer.

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