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Another idea for Photons

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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4 năm trước

I have another great idea but it requires making arrows that are shot with scouts weapons interact with photon balls so that a force be applied to the photon ball from the impact of an arrow. My idea is that I would make targets that have a center with a photon ball locked in on all sides except for the front that will be open and the back will have a photon initiator that will trigger a photon counter to keep score whilst also adding a new ball to the target, for the next arrow. Currently, arrows go straight through photon balls and switches. This and other similar games could be made if the change were to be made. Just a thought.

# 2



4 năm trước

I also have idea for photon We should make a photon alphabet it should work like photon counter, but in photon alphabet instead of numbers a,b,c,d,e.........j. should be. It's my idea.

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