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New player guide?

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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Officer Niko

7 năm trước

Hi, Officer Niko here, going to tell you my critic about the game, I've played the game for 2 hours, enough to build my fortress and find out the game mechanics, but i noticed something missing for newbies like me, there's no tutorial, NPC's and item description, I had no idea what to do and started to bang random buttons, discovered many shortcuts by doing that lol, And the combat is annoying boy! Click click click..always hearing that noise, is not like Minecraft that you can spam by pressing and holding mouse button, But overall it's a good game, simple and fun, NOW, the most important question, where do i find guides about this game? :P

# 2



7 năm trước

Do you use steam as a platform for the game? If there many guides there on how to play the game I too searched around for tutorials but found most on steam. Hope this helps

# 3



7 năm trước

Steam :P A quick look just now at --> ...allowed me to find these guides: ANGELDUST ULTIMATE GUIDE Adding Friends The Basics of Angeldust Going to the actual steam discussion forum for Angeldust ( also has a few sticky/pinned guides: Getting started in the Angeldust game world Content creator guide: cinematic mode, game replays And often I find the release/update notes published that I been reading for the last few months also include some explanations from the developer himself on how certain new features/mechanics work... like this week's release notes are a pretty good guide to how the new pathways/panel block updates can be used by players :P Angeldust v2.11 release notes If you going to talk about the lack of 'in-game' tutorial and direction (and the argument that a good game shouldn't have players seeking explanations on wiki sites or forums, but instead should explain all basics just playing the game alone)... then that does seem to be something that many Youtubers I have watched tend to mention too... Firefly (the one-man developer on this game) has been adding things the last month or two that are aimed at tackling this new player situation/problem about people not knowing what to do. Many ideas are constantly being bombarded his way all the time too :P He has to sort them out when he can, and still find time to work on other parts of the game... I do not envy his task... :P Guides on this forum for tend to take more time to find as new threads keep being made and any of the guides published here 2-3 months ago are already 4-8+ pages deep in the English forum section here, and there don't seem to be a sticky/pinned topic feature here on these forums either, just yet. Steam, like seta also mentioned, is the most reliable place so far to find guides :P

# 4



7 năm trước

Frantun, thanks for the monster reply there! You touch on an important part. The game is in constant flux due to heavy development right now; major things are changing left and right. Just two days ago, the entire game world changed with pathways being added. Doing a tutorial right now means I need to redo it almost every two weeks. I'm first investing my time getting the game fleshed out before making a 'definitive' list on what you can do. Also – and I think this is also important – Angeldust is about exploration and discovery. Discovering what items do, how monsters behave and how each weapon works in combat is a big part of that. Correct me if I'm wrong on this. But, I'm also working on adding a 'controls' guide and more help screens in-game to explain basic user interface mechanics.

# 5



7 năm trước

This is just a suggestion, but maybe a certain initial tutorial guide to show: 1.What controls to do what 2.Doing a certain action does what Sorry if you don't quite understand, but it's rather hard to put my view of this into words And i noticed many new players don't know how to open chat log or add friends, that goes as well with teleporting to friends. (I had that problem too, until i figured it out) But i'll try to help "mentor" the new players whenever i can

# 6



7 năm trước

maybe just the basic on signs in the spawn towns for now like t=talk in game and stuff or images cause yeah lots of languages just realized that would be big sign to just say that lol.

# 7



7 năm trước

id dont know how to talk in the game can anyone help me

# 8



7 năm trước

press T to open chat log

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