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Buffed Sorceress

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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4 năm trước

There's this idea that's been lingering in my mind for a while. Is that Sorceress can heal herself fast but when the creature has its eye on her she tend to fall down easily. Even Mammoth can take her down even when she's flying. She's the weakest among all other class but she needs things that would help her to avoid dying really fast. So I would like to propose a few buffs for Sorceress. 1. New Staffs: She needs Staffs that will help her without trumping the use of Havoc Storm. That is to say she will have a brand new staff that could help her escape an enemy quickly and at the same time, dealing damage to them. Acid Rain: This staff summons a cloud that moves in the direction where Sorceress has summoned it. It flies in one direction and pours out acid drops that gives the enemy poisoned effect and damages them overtime. But the damage is considerably weaker than havoc storm. Blink: This staff helps Sorceress gain distance from the creature when it's focused on her. She instantly teleports to the location where she points the staff, using this staff for more than 2 times in 5 seconds will immobilize you for a good while and stop you from using Blink until the effect ends. This is a way to avoid players from exploiting this staf as a fast travel for her. Lightning Blast: Unlike other staffs, this staff can make you attack through objects. This staff shoots out a lightning bolt that acts like a laser beam. But the range is short so you will have to risk going near the Creature. But it will be worth it since the damage will be considerably stronger than Havoc Storm. 2. Rework Skywalk: Sky walk is used to avoid the target from attacking you, but it also helps you by giving you a longer distances for your attack. So I'd like the skywalk to have a longer time suspend you in the air (15 seconds will do) and give the players choice to fall down by using the staff again. That's it for the Buffed sorceress. Just my thoughts and hopefully at least one changes will be added for her.

# 2



4 năm trước

Dude! all I ever asked for was a tar wand... this is WAY over the top! I suggest you just practice more on Sorceress, ... or choose a different Hero. It sounds like the Fighter might be more your style, just saying.

# 3



4 năm trước

The blink wand should be fine. Or maybe buff the skywalk, just dont add the other weapons

# 4



4 năm trước

Hey CRC, thanks for sharing more ideas. I'll be honest with you: my starting point here is that the sorceress is already OP way beyond your dreams :)! Most top players that I know of use the sorceress since she's such a fine and versatile lady. Acid Rain: yeah, that sounds cool. I think we brainstormed something similar during our initial design. The "problem" kind of becomes that you have limited hotbar space and there already is a dedicated staff for doing damage. (Yeah yeah what about the fighter with his swords!) If you want a "fire and forget" gameplay style I think the builder suits that with his turrets. Blink: I've 100% had this idea in mind. For enemy creatures! My current design view on this is that it's too frustrating on enemies and too OP for heroes. Lightning Blast: thanks to the game's special physics engine I think we already have this :P Sky walk: I think it's perfectly fine as is. You're absolutely right about it being both useful for defensive and offensive action. I think the duration is a good balance between becoming totally invulnerable forever and having to press the button a few times per minute. But others can chime in to share their thoughts.

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