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4 năm trước

Yesterday I had one of the worst experiences that players can feel ... a player named "Yokoono" ... attacked me with very aggressive words, for example "You are black rubbish, poor is rotten" .. this moved me a lot to resolution tells him: are you racist? ... so he said I didn't know what racism was, just a little answer for you "YOKOONO" ... And I live in a country called Brazil, one of the most racist parents in Latin America. ..Do not you think? I know very well what racism is prejudice, don't worry, I'm not keeping anyone's hate here, we should respect each other. mainly race, ethnicity, gender, culture is religion ... this is a game that many people in the world play, which says just because I have a different color, no? I can play? "Yokoono", since you can talk bad about the internet ... why don't you come here in my city and come talk to me, since we're from the same country? I literally hate this country you call "BRAZIL" .... I would rather live in Venezuela than live in this most odious body. That's all I have to say, I can't take it anymore!

# 2



4 năm trước

my conscience knows i'm carrying the truth behind my back ......

# 3



4 năm trước

if you respect me, you will also have respect; if you do not respect me, you will be badly regarded by society.....

# 4



4 năm trước

I think we had Yoko Ono on a recent livestream too, but their behavior wasn't really out of line there. Let me know if you continue to be harassed. In the meantime it might be wise to unfriend them if they are your in-game friend.

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