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Left Handed Players

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4 năm trước

Well I didn't see a Feature Request section specifically however if there is and I posted this in the wrong place then I apologize in advance of the following... I mouse with my left hand (am left handed) and find the controls to be somewhat awkward, specifically, jumping with the spacebar and dismounting with the 'e' is somewhat awkward. I would love to be able to remap my controls so that I could define in the game what keyboard key I use for a specific action. With that being said... I do appreciate the fact that some of the keys seem to have an alternative key, such as I find it very nice that I can use the arrow keys to move about with my right hand as I mouse with the left to look around, thank you for that. PC + Keyboard and Mouse (left handed mouse) Kind Regards... ColtsWalker

# 2



4 năm trước

Hey ColtsWalker! Remapping controls has been requested a few times in the past, it's definitely something that many players want. I've dedicated some brain cycles to it in the past, but I haven't found a good UI for it yet. I'm sorry that you have to deal with suboptimal controls for now. Maybe some other players know of a tool to remap keys for individual applications, or maybe this can be found easily.

# 3



4 năm trước

Perhaps just having the option would be nice, no UI... just .txt files you'd have to change in the Angeldust folder. It's a start, and better than nothing. :)

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