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RFC: reverted houses?

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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4 năm trước

Over the past months I got two reports of players who demolished their house via the website, built a new house and saw it dissolve in front of their eyes after returning to it later on. The new house would show up on the website. Does anyone have similar experiences but didn't report it? I'm trying to gauge the frequency of this to be able to pinpoint the problem more accurately. After digging through all of the code I fail to see the error case, but last night I built a new mental model of the problem in my head which would also lead to small changes to houses being reverted sometimes. Anyone ran into that issue? I'm not sure if my newfound insight holds in practice. Feedback and experiences are welcome here. Please keep in mind that this is only about houses in the village.

# 2



4 năm trước

I remember a long time ago that I had destroyed my house to build a better one, then I closed the application web site (I was on the tablet of my brother at the time) keeping the page to destroy the home to go into the game and build my new house, and when I returned in app on the web site it reload the page of destroying the house and while returning in the game, it had destroyed accidentally my house but I never reported that I consider it was my fault to have closed the web site temporarily without leaving the house demolition page. Here it was the little anecdote of noob of the time that I was.

# 3



4 năm trước

@Angelio: thanks for the reply! Refreshing and re-submitting the 'house' page when the checkboxes are selected will indeed demolish your house a second time. Which feels dumb and I will try to fix that in the future. But this is not the exact problem given the two player reports. On proper demolition, you'll see the house explode into tiny pieces, like in the trailer video. What these players saw was that the house dissolved layer-by-layer as if it was never really there. So I fully understand, recognize and agree with your problem scenario (that needs to be solved), but there's a second issue somewhere. I have two far-fetched theories, but any additional replies and feedback here are very welcomed.

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