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Requests to greatly improve the game experience

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4 năm trước

Mobility Characters move at a slow crawl when walking, and only move at a mediocre walking pace when running, Make walking speed the run speed, and make the run speed a legit run, not just walking. This also applies to enemies, kick their speed up a notch and make them less of a bullet sponge (Or at least give better weapons to people as an option. You shouldn't need to hit an enemy literally 100 times and have it regen to 100% as soon as you lose aggro) Graphics Let us turn up shadows and terrain/model polycount, most pcs don't even get slightly slowed when running it on max, so why not take advantage of the raw performance of high end pcs, even if said additions obliterate our fps if turned on? I am aware this will slow down phones, but we are talking about phones here, computers, even if they are old low end ones compared to the latest and greatest, will completely destroy a phone. Gameplay Add a bit of build diversity, instead of just getting some early stuff then your done with combat progression completely, add more interesting options, maybe add dungeons too?

# 2


Alexi M

4 năm trước

soon you will have no choice, Firefly. :P

# 3



4 năm trước

@Alex makarov: thanks for making another alt :P @Bits360: thanks for the feedback! I'll go over each of your three subjects. Mobility: I understand that Angeldust's pacing isn't perfect for every player out there, especially when coming from something like a first-person shooter background. The same with enemy interactions: our TTK is a lot higher than what you see in other games. These are conscious design decisions: players on a tablet or phone playing over 3G just don't have the ability to do a lot of micro-movement and -shooting so the game is somewhat slower paced to give everyone a fair experience. A slightly slower game pace doesn't mean that you can't develop pro-gamer skills. Some top players of the game have special strategies for combat and will be able to give you tips on working in the Angeldust environment. There are also consistently high-ranking players in the PvP-arena (The Void), definitely showing that you can evolve to MLG-levels of play. Longer enemy interactions encourage teamplay. I find that the game's pacing is pretty spot-on when playing during my livestream. Everyone gets a chance to catch up to a fight and interact with the creatures and other players. Splitting the loot oftentimes goes in my favor, but supposedly everyone has a chance at getting at least some coins. Graphics: working on it! If you are playing on Windows, did you already check out "Angeldust PostFX", the official graphical mod that enables additional effects? It's beautiful! Get it from our page: I'm proud that Angeldust looks as good as it does using only OpenGL 1.x technology. You can play on almost any device from 2004 and up. Lately I've been working on a new render engine that will hopefully come soon in the form of Angeldust v4.0. This render engine uses advanced effects like reflections, shadow mapping and specular lighting to greatly enhance the look of the game. Check out these livestream demos I gave: I really love working on and playing using this updated render engine and it's one of the next major goals I'm pursuing to make the game appeal to a more "gamer"-like audience. Gameplay: I'm with you. I've got oodles of ideas. I just need time. You've probably already gathered that I'm developing this game on my own mostly and there's only so much I can do in 24 hours per day. A big building content update is coming soon and then we'll first do the official Steam release. Based on the results of that I can draft a plan for Angeldust's future.

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