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Mount animals ..

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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4 năm trước

I’m sure there’s already been a conversation about this, but I still want to raise the subject- Mounted animals are useless (I don’t mean dragons, but they are in the minority) .. Of the advantages of mounts, only treatment is not very good, but there are more minuses, including poor cross in the forest .. I propose to include running when landing on an animal (as when pressing the "Shift"), but for the effect to work constantly .. I would also like for the jumps to be a little higher on horseback .. It will be more convenient to travel, the world is big, sometimes you just want to drive through it .. This will not strengthen the mounts, it will just add more logic to their existence .. Thanks in advance for the answers .. Sorry for the bad English, I use Google translator ..

# 2



4 năm trước

FF has addressed some of these already. Moving faster is addressed because you can sprint more often while on a mount. [while mounted you can sprint ~20 seconds, if not mount ~ 25 seconds] Introducing new/other modes of running on a mount have been met with resistance. Jumping a bit higher; I don't recall that one being asked for. It actually sounds like a good idea, back in the day (when I got my first horse) I quickly learned that mountain climbing on a horse was nearly impossible. I agree with you that there should be a jump advantage while mounted. Nothing compared to the builder's spring (which should be removed from the game) but perhaps 50% higher than a normal hero jump. By the way, even walking through the forest can be challenging. The tree density is high, and the creatures found are typically low coin value ones. You'd be better off hunting in a different biome.

# 3



4 năm trước

Just in this form, as mounts are now useless .. If you speed them up a bit, it would be more logical, like jumping .. All this I do not think is difficult to do .. It also compensates for the uselessness of mounts and does not affect the game itself. And I (like everyone) will be able to travel faster .. Sorry for the bad English, I use Google translator ..

# 4



4 năm trước

I purposed to Firefly that the Fighter aka Knight hero have the ability to fight with his sword whilst riding a horse or certain other mounts. Firefly seemed possibly receptive to the idea. This would provide two advantages to game play. (1) provide additional balance to the 4 hero characters. Veteran players tend to use the Fighter the least because he lacks advantages. This would make Fighter a more attractive character and thus increase his currently diminished popularity. (2). Make the "mount" or ride-able animal more useful to address the very issue you mentioned. Being able to select the Fighter / Knight and ride and fight from horseback would add something very good to the game. Perhaps I've a bias that comes from the fact that I grew up with horses and like them, and have always liked movies with knights or cavalry fighting while riding on a horse. But I do think it would bring something very positive to the game. Charge of the Light Brigade!!!

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