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More privacy improvements

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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4 năm trước

After carefully combing through the Angeldust database once more, I found one last place where I was storing user data longer than I think is necessary for proper service and support. So I did the smart thing and implemented a new cleaning task to purge that data regularly once its lost its usefulness. You won't really notice anything different on the outside, but rest assured that your use of Angeldust is now as close to anonymous and private as I can probably make it.

# 2


(GM) Hummm

4 năm trước

while I applaud your efforts to improve privacy, I think you as the provider of a free on-line service, should reserve the right to have some of our information. Including the ability to communicate directly to any player.

# 3



4 năm trước

On rare occasions I push a private message to warn players that are leaning towards non-acceptable behavior. Other than that I fully respect everyone's choice to play in the social circle they want. Be it big, be it small. I do my best to offer a cozy home and a warm welcome to everyone. After that it's up to the players to customize their own little Angeldust world. Also, I'd argue that as a provider of an online service I should be ever vigilant in protecting and guarding user privacy. As such I do my best to try and earn and deserve your trust.

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