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Option to Unclaim Chunk ONLY IF...

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 11–16 của 16

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# 11



4 năm trước

Yeah it was a pretty complex post, unwanted claims claimed by "accident" and you want to undo what can't be undone and get a refund for the wasted effort... right? Mainly because of limited claim allotments per account... right? I still feel my response holds water. I for one, who is as some know a prolific builder of sprawling magnitude at times, feels an option for relinquishment and transfer and sale of claims would only undermine the feel the game has, that "rpg" part that forces one to choose and then to live with those choices. I might suggest also to make a list, and not just a simple one at that, all my accounts have all their claims recorded by claim number and coordinates on paper, and these notes sit in front of me at all times when I play, I have a special bookmark I use to remind me of the account I'm playing on, I "map" my claims on graph paper to help visualize better. It sounds cold I know, but after two decades in business and having to scratch my way up, the best advice I ever got was "maybe just get better at what you're doing..." true story. I don't want to discourage this suggestion completely, but it would definitely change the feel in the game for me to know I could just hit an undo button every time. it would also invite more opportunity for serious griefing, for example if you could buy up half the map just to sell it back what's to keep people from doing so to prevent others from building or claiming in areas? Other games do similar, you place certain structures to prevent others from building, it's very tribal stuff and leads to heap loads of issues between players. I mean seriously think about that, I can max out claims on so many accounts in a day it would make your head spin, and to provide the opportunity to utilize that on a single account over and over by buying and giving up claims would only open an unclosable door. It in effect "monetizes" the ownership of a claim, and that could change the dynamics of player to player conduct and contact in a lot of ways. If I'm wrong I'm wrong, but that's what I see happening unless it's only allowed on a small percentage of a characters claims. And I know he made the game, but it doesn't feel right for it to be sole Ff decision every time because you show up to his party enough or because he had a good lunch and is in a good mood. People pay for this now, those days are gone I hope, where favoritism runs the show.

# 12



4 năm trước

Also: there are claims that some of us hold as trophies, proofs of accomplishment if you will. It would ruin so much of my pride in having achieved what I've achieved, and gone to where I've gone, knowing that it could be given away to someone undeserving by the simple act of TPing someone to one of these sacred places ingame, unclaiming the claim, and allowing someone else to claim, as though they had worked as hard as the few of us who've made it honestly. It wouldn't happen I'd hope, actually it probably wouldn't, but knowing that the option was available to trade these places, even if left untouched originally and afterwards, would ruin the game for me,having spent quite literally hundreds if not thousands of hours to simply get there.

# 13



4 năm trước

wartaint - you still don't actually grasp what I am saying. I clearly stated a system where others could not unclaim and/or transfer their builds from player to player. I am not interested in that aspect. I am interested in dumping a claim that has not been altered. I clearly stated in my follow up that I agreed with hummm in that there should be a financial penalty of game currency. In my follow up I suggested a cost to unclaim and well as claim. And to your "you gotta live with it bro" attitude... Sometimes new players do not fully understand why it is important to be so selective on what you claim with your primary account. As a new player you start out unaware of claim limitation, alts, or any of that business. No crystal ball! When I claimed my first chunk I didn't know that I would only be allowed a limited number of claims, and I assumed I could later relinquish a claim if I desired. Those are natural assumptions as a result of experiences in other games. It is a computer, why not be able to add and subtract both? These are basic concepts. It is a natural assumption. You have not invested time into carefully reading my proposal, therefore, you are objecting to something that is not what I propose.

# 14



4 năm trước

Why is our picture our house?

# 15



4 năm trước

its just how it is, our houses are our profile pics on the website, so make sure yours is pretty! :) Also, if you have more questions like this, rather ask on the discord server as youre already a member.

# 16



4 năm trước

My picture isn't a house!!!

Bưu kiện 11–16 của 16

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