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Spamming All Friends Chat after deleted

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–9 của 9





4 năm trước

I won't mention any names but one particular Spanish speaking person who WAS a friend of mine until they annoyed the #@%$ out of me by spamming friends chat constantly. I deleted them as a friend but I am still able to see everything they write in all friends chat. How can this be so? Is there a way to stop it happening? I have very little tolerance for people who constantly spam all friends chat with complete rubbish and if you annoy me I will delete you.

# 2



4 năm trước

since you can only remove friends via the web site, I'll assume you did it there.... you must re-log from the game after removing them via the web.

# 3



4 năm trước

If you mean logging out and then back in, it did not work but if you meant shutting the game down and restarting it, I didn't do that and did not think of doing it at the time.

# 4



4 năm trước

I also have to do this sometimes ... I think the deleted friend has to restart or change the chat, you are still in the recipient list. That's how I experienced it.

# 5



4 năm trước

Whoops, seems to strike a nerve here! I'm sorry you had to endure chat spam Rob, but it seems to be a social conduct problem that I can't really solve except for adding a (often requested) per-player mute function. I've had my share of friend/private chat message spam on livestreams and I've learned to ignore it most of the time. For answers, I think Loki_TR's is correct and Hummm is close: chat friends are cached at sign in and for this functionality it only matters that the sender has you in their list. As soon as you remove them and *they* sign out, you won't get spam anymore. Also, if you feel the spam was particularly bad and/or directed at promoting someone's products or services let me know and I'll investigate, followed up by potential warnings or other actions.

# 6



4 năm trước

Ah yes, I forgot that piece: both parties have to re-log... if just you re-log, than you can't talk to them (directly). The build perms has an in-game message that is sent to the other client (but not if you change it via the web site) It follows then that friends removal (only available from the website) requires both parties to re-log.

# 7



4 năm trước

She does use friend chat a lot, but not as much as she used to. The problem is that the local chat has a very limited range and people find themselves sending text to /dev/null because a friend steps out of range, roughly 2 chunks. It is annoying when someone uses the friend chat all the time, but it is also annoying when you find you are typing your messages to NOBODY because you and your intended audience have exceeded the very limited 2 chunk range. Sometimes a group working on a build project together end up just out of range, but they still want everyone in their build party to receive the message, as an example, which I believe often applies to the player Rob is referring. Same applies to a hunting party. Again, it is annoying when a friend is constantly using friend chat.... However, I also don't want to zap people off the friends list because of it. What is the middle ground? That per-user mute option! Yes, a temporary mute option that you can activate on an individual friend, that would be nice. PER-FRIEND MUTE OPTION (repeat after me) PER-FRIEND MUTE OPTION I suggest if you add such a feature, that it be a temporary mute. By temporary I mean that once you close your game client, all per player mute is reset. Next time you login the per friend mutes are cleared. Also, it doesn't have to add clutter to the interface. Make it a command we type in chat if you don't want more interface clutter. /mute PlayerName ---- again, it should only be a temporary mute. It is, after-all, a social game. (the command should have auto-complete once you get enough of the player name typed) /mute MyAnnoyingFriend /unmute MyAnnoyingFriend (or just close the game, open, and reconnect) /unmute all (or just close the game, open, and reconnect) ___Why sometimes we all hit "FRIEND" instead of seeking out the specific player name of the friend we wish to address___ The entire chat interface needs work. When a friend specifically sends a message to me, using my player name, I should not have to go fumble through the telecharger to find that individual to send a reply. Why cant that player's name be added to the rotation buffer of "T" toggle automatically: though local, friend, and the player that just sent me a direct message? It doesn't do it now unless you have already fumbled through the telecharger to find them and send a reply that way, very awkward. Currently once you have established a communication with another player then you can find their name in the normal chat interface toggle rotation "T", but not until you have manually located and selected it in the telecharger on the initial message, even when that is a reply to a direct message he or she sent to you. If the player sends you a direct message, add their name to that buffer.

# 8



4 năm trước

Hi Colts, I agree with you when you talk about someone sending a direct chat request to my name and then having to scroll through the list of player's names to find their name in order to respond. I find it quite hard because I have a lot of friends on my list and many have similar names too. It makes me feel that the initial message sender is waiting patiently for my reply, but I can't find their name on my friend's list. Also Colts, I think you are right about the fact that if local chat went further than 2 chunks then building groups would not have to use the friends chat much at all. I'm not sure if the person you are thinking of is the same one I unfriended but chances are that yes they were either in a hunting group or building group. One that I obviously only got one person's conversation from because the others were not on my friend's list. Maybe and I'm only just suggesting it as a maybe in the future if it is wanted. Perhaps there should be the ability to form groups or clubs within the game and then each group might have their own specific group chat?

# 9



4 năm trước

@ColtsWalker: duly noted. "The entire chat interface [could use some] work." is a good summary now private and friend chat are available.

Bưu kiện 1–9 của 9