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Porfi more pets available

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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4 năm trước

I wish there were more pets such as crow owls and snake birds if one wanted even those birds that also plan as a pet so it would be more interesting to participate in the lottery for more pets available firefly I wish you could put that would also be more beautiful ah and put more curious new creatures and why not also daily misiom animals like gray rhino mammoths

# 2



4 năm trước

Si me gustaría

# 3



4 năm trước

birds as pets has been suggested... even suggested an animation/AI to circle your exhausted body :P (might be worth the $100 loss just to see it) ... PLEASE no Mammoths for quests.

# 4



4 năm trước

Hahaha ok humm no mammoths hard mammoths for daily missions

# 5



4 năm trước

More pets! Ability to domesticate certain animals for a ranch aka farm. More animal interactions. More complex animal behavior. These are popular items in another very successful game and would attract a lot to this game. I know the focus now is on getting people to initially try AD however, they have to stay once they try, and tell their friends. "tell their friends" Everyone loves animals, pets, having the ability to keep livestock, breed animals, etc.

# 6



4 năm trước

Also, a thought I had, if you have a specific pet that you used the pet snack to obtain (you should only have one of these that follows you around, etc not to be confused with my ranch post) then that particular species and breed of animal should not be aggressive to you in the wild. So, if I have a Sterling wolf as a pet then in the wild no Sterling wolfs should attack me. Wouldn't that be cool? See, the wild Sterling wolfs see that I have a Sterling wolf as a pet, so they reckon I am a friend to all Sterling wolfs. Now, the exception is if I attack them. Any attacked creature has the right to defend itself! It would add an interesting bit of psychology to the animal behavior in the game as well as an additional perk to having a pet, and strategic element to the selection of pet the player makes.

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