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Lucas² or: Angeldust4ever ehm Angeldust3.8ever

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4 năm trước

OK, as some players have encouraged me to post it, here is my Angeldust V3.9 meme :) If we get into copyright problems, be cool Mr. Lucas (George)! All other cases: Be cool, Mr. Lucas (Frank)*! *This is meant as a tribute :) You do a great job, i really love your work!

# 2



4 năm trước

Love him or hate him, but he spittin' straight FAX! 📠

# 3



4 năm trước

Thanks for the love :D! After getting Angeldust into every household on earth I'll try to pursue an acting career. Who could resist such a handsome, muscled fellow like on that movie poster? Kidding aside, I know Angeldust v3.9 is a long time coming. On the most recent livestream I kinda explained that my main goal is to get more players first. I think I'm at roughly a 80/20% split of attention between working on new marketing materials and developing the game itself. The good news is that Angeldust v3.8 is great and the next update'll only make it even better.

# 4



4 năm trước

I wish there were more types of pets like the ones. Birds and birds that plan. It would be more entertaining to choose a pet and have more classes of pets so it would not always be the same pets. Wolves and jaguars and rabbits. The more kinds of pets the better and I think more players wanted to play more angeldust especially for new pets. Many players also tell me that because there is not a world that is the beach or something like that or a floating world with strange creatures I think it would also be a good idea to add new very curious worlds with more very curious creatures so more players from all over the world would come for these new things I would also like to have those firefly things you could add these curious things that everyone wants. So there would be many more players for that

# 5



4 năm trước

Leyenda - On discord or on here, you tend to post your agenda in too many places, which is considered by many as spamming. Please consider creating one topic in one area per agenda item. Specifically, it is not necessary to, on this forum, suggest the same thing on every thread not related to the subject agenda.

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