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Sigh* Here we go agian...

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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4 năm trước

As everyone knows from AngelDust, almost all of them are Brazilian and that there is a player named Legend, right? well everyone. not to say that the majority are bothering her, let me tell you what was the cause on her part. It turns out that she and a certain yoko were not talking privately, Zoohys came, saw the conversation and he was angry. I was going to see the war and I don't know what. she as an older person with 20 years and not younger, as a group that I do not want to mention. she defends herself or ignores them. but they don't just want to tease her until she's gone forever... she always wonders. they can't mature?, they look like small children...

# 2



4 năm trước

Tailsmancion: When you use Google Translate, you have to go back and correct the names of individuals. Legend is the result of you including a player name in the translation input. Remedy suggestion for some of Leyenda's problems: Advise her to stop using "Friends" chat mode as her primary means to communicate in the game. If she is having a player to player conversation, she should press the 'R' key and select the caption icon next to the player name she wishes to have a private conversation with. Otherwise the use of proximity chat is useful although I have suggested before that Firefly expand the range of proximity default chat. Some of this player to player bickering is Soap Opera stuff. However it is my understanding that abusive language, and other harassment related violations are not trivial and are actionable, and if you use screen capture to obtain proof (or in this case Leyenda) then send to Firefly and I believe justice will be served. Leyenda needs to provide the proof, the evidence. Finally, in regards to the proof suggestion, I do understand that Leyenda was not having much luck getting her particular model of mobile device to take screenshots. Perhaps other players or the official game (GM)s can advise techniques she can use on her mobile device to record evidence of abuse. Please don't include the soap opera activity as it should not be regarded as proof. Some things are best handled by simply being ignored, or use of the game's built in "Ignore" feature. I can help show her how that works in the game. My suggestions and opinion as a friend and just another game member.

# 3



4 năm trước

And for the record, I do believe that the group of players she is having issues with do pick on her frequently and are not kind to her. I wish they would just leave her alone.

# 4



4 năm trước

I understand it's something you take close to your heart Tails. Ruan4K previously posted a forum topic on pretty much the same issue. Even though I appreciate the steps you both take to try to call out a generalized group of players on their behavior towards someone, I don't think it's a good way of solving this. The most lasting fix is for the 'Legend' (I know who) to rise up above the situation. With "Do not disturb" in the game now there is zero reason to be friends with—or near any of—these players bothering others. You might find a few in 'Play together!' while you get free coins, but there's also this concept of ignoring others. I think this is a great experience for growing up a bit, socially. As with claim griefing I feel I can't find a definite technical solution to a social problem. Not gonna go into that discussion again here (old topic's still up), but just like griefing sometimes the good guys need to do a bit more mental work to preemptively combat the bad guys.

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