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Mounting Chairs? (Sitting down)

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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4 năm trước

Firefly, many people have been wondering, "when will sitting down on chairs be a thing?" It seems that a lot of people like this idea and would like it in v3.10 of Angeldust. It would give players some better ways to roleplay, if they want, or for other purposes. For sitting, we shou7ld be able to press the saddle button on a chair and sit down, and then unmount the chair. I've been wanting this feature ever since I started AD back in August of last year. It would allow people to add more decor to their homes and put chairs in spots that look nice. If their are stacked chairs, you won't be able to sit on them, it'll have to be a chair that is 1 block tall. This is something that some of the AD players would like to see, including myself, maybe you can add it in v3.10.

# 2



4 năm trước

Sitting. That's a blast from the past. Here's a pretty old one: With the recent improvements in building and interior decoration using decals I can now see the appeal of sitting down. It would add more player expression, definitely a good thing. I've moved this request higher on my list now. I'll see what I can do in time. Please don't sling version numbers at me as I plan my own release schedule :P

# 3



4 năm trước

mounting a chair... a scary concept. Am I going to lose my Pink dragon (Freshling) to a chair?? I'd rather see it implemented as /sit ... which opens the door to /dance (which should be higher on the list than /sit)

# 4



4 năm trước

Hummm - but wouldn't it be okay if you could then fly the chair around, and ride the chair through the Savannah? How about a broomstick? No seriously, the younger players and female players even more so maybe would like to be able to interact with the furnishings in their builds for some of their in-game roll play they do. If you watch youtubers like LittleKelly you will see they do a lot of roll play and story telling via the game setting. I have suspected that increasing the interaction the player can have with their builds then it would boost the game popularity. You might even get one of these youtubers to start using AD for their stories. Being able to sit in the chair is a first step.

# 5



4 năm trước

Firefly - I just went and perused the 2-year old thread you linked above. I think you haven't realized the desire for some players to do their own in-game roll-playing. Yes, it's a thing. I watch my daughter and her friends do it quite a lot in another game a guy named Markus originally wrote. It is also something very popular youtubers like LittleKelly do, which is a big boost to the game itself being featured in that way. Why even Obi and Ruan4K set up a table with two chairs in various locations from time to time and dine. I know because I had to clean up their dirty dishes in SC1 one time! :P

# 6



4 năm trước

I realize(d) the desire. With the interior decorations Angeldust's actually become viable to add it. It's good that these big, old requests are coming into focus now. I've been trying to create a solid foundation for all of these features and now I can start adding them.

# 7



4 năm trước

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

# 8



4 năm trước

When you approach the chair and are within a close proximity, do you tap or click on the chair to seat yourself? Firefly, how do you envision the approach to "mounting a chair?" Secondly, is it possible to devise a means in order to place a chair without a table present, and have the chair appear as a chair?

# 9



4 năm trước

The issue's on my radar and I think it would be a good future addition to the game. I'll take it from here regarding planning and actual implementation. You'll see how I see this feature when I release it :P

# 10



4 năm trước

Mostly this is just an elegant way to bump the thread, because, we have been discussing this on discord a lot. Also, I do like some inside baseball when it comes to development, most of us regulars do. We all want to peek into how Firefly develops features and solves problems in the game. aka Insight into the Mind of Firefly. "What is required is sight and insight, then you might add one more, excite." -Robert Frost

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